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Deyla had lived 7 years of her life in a small, cramped room. The old man would beat her everyday. He was a drunkard. When people came over, deyla was forced to play the role of his daughter. That's her life now.

After 2 years of being kidnapped, she looked at the TV and noticed herself on the news. They stopped searching for her. Her face went pale and she swallowed hard. But why'd they give up? She lives so close. She looked at the TV then noticed nearby footsteps. It was Andy. The guy who kidnapped her. Immediately, she ran to the room and sat on the floor. Though something caught her eye. Andys ID. She picked it up and read it.

Name: Andy Samhain
Born: 4/09/1978
Phone number: *********

There were other details on it. But the name 'Samhain' caught her attention. It was somewhat familiar. Then she remembered. Norman Samhain. The guy she liked. So this was his father? She felt sick to the stomach at this unexpected information. Disgust and anger filled her eyes. Then she quickly put the ID back in place and Andy walked into the room.

"Oi. Brat. Get to work. Start cleaning. We have guests soon." He said in his usual tone. Following his demands, she got up and started to clean.

7 years later, deyla and Andy had to go out. Andy was desperate to buy this golden whistle that was being sold. And so he went to the store it was in. He didn't leave Deyla at home since the stuff he used to strap her down were broken. So he took her with. To hide her identity, she wore a blonde wig and sunglasses. Obviously people found it suspicious. The blonde 'hair' was visibly a wig. Andy looked away and then Deyla made eye contact with a stranger. She then mouthed: help. Concern filled the strangers face and she quickly called the police. After a few minutes, they showed up and arrested the old man. Meanwhile with Deyla, the police took her with them to ask questions; then she went to the hospital to get a checkup. Several months later, it was Autumn. Everything was finally dealt with and Deyla was safe. She didn't know her way around since she hasn't been outside in 7 years. So she sat on a bench. This was when she met Alex again.

Deyla is Deyla_Wrote and Esmeray is Sarya011. (Hope you guys don't mind that I put ur users in the story.) And my other friends (Olivia and Abigail) don't have wattpad!! So yeah. Hope yall enjoyed!

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