Something unexpected

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Since then, it's been 7 years. They've had no hope in finding Deyla. Life for them hasn't been going well. Olivia lost a loved one and got anxiety, Abigail developed depression, Esmeray stopped eating well and Alex would self-harm. Nothing new. It all started back in high school a few months after Deyla went missing.

It was a sunny day in autumn when Alex took a walk. His therapist recommended it. Esmeray stayed at home despite the fact that Alex invite her. Same with Olivia and Abigail. The autumn red and orange leaves fell from the trees and landed on the hard concrete. On Alex's walk, he noticed a somewhat familiar brunette girl sitting on a bench. He couldn't see her face very well but the temperature was really low and she was wearing a shirt and skirt. She was trembling in her seat. Alex approached her and then started to speak.

"Excuse me...would you like to wear my jacket? You seem quite cold.." Alex offered. The brunette girl had medium-length hair. It was curly at the bottom. She slowly looked up at the Blonde haired boy. As they made eye contact, both of their eyes widened and they both shouted at the same time.

The girl: Alex!?
Alex: Deyla!?

They made eye contact for 30 seconds straight until they both pulled eachother in for a hug. It immediately warmed up Deyla. Body and heart. Uncontrollably, Alex started sobbing.

"I've finally found you! Where have you been?!" He said in between sobs.
"I got kidnapped. Its been dealt with though." Deyla replied. Alex stared at her in shock and gasped at the information.
"Oh my...I'm so sorry...are you okay?" Alex said with a soft voice.
"Yeah. But not mentally. Stupid idiot gave me PTSD. Not to mention i still have social anxiety." She muttered. Alex cupped her cheeks and looked at her with love.
"I still love you. You may have a messed up life...but I'll always love you." Alex says before pausing then looking away. "I just wish you'd feel the same."
" you really think you're capable of being my lover?" Deyla questioned with confusion and sadness. In response, Alex nodded yes. "...then..I love you. I love you too, Alex." Deyla stated. Alex's eyes widened and he hugged her.
"My love...Esmeray, Olivia and Abigail are still waiting for you to come home..."
"They stayed..? Oh my...I must be the luckiest girl in the world." She said whilst giggling. Love filled their eyes and they stood up and held hands. Alex gave Deyla his jacket and they slowly walked back.

Once they returned, Esmeray, Olivia and Abigail Dashed to Alex's house to see if Deyla was back. They got in and the same old Deyla was there. They all bursted into tears and talked about everything. And just like that, they became a 5 again. But they were all mentally messed up. Despite that, they respected eachother and their boundaries. Since then, they all grew up to become successful people. Most of them even had a family. Alex and Deyla got married and had a son. Then they lived their life happy again. Deyla only had one thing to say. This one thing was a warning. One that refers to the story and living hell she's been through.

Shooting stars are everywhere.
But you never see them.
Some you see,
And some you miss.



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