Mystic Revelations - Luna Vol.1

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Chapter 1

The night came in, dark and damp, and the rushing of the rain sounded loud, hammering on the windowsill. A wave of loneliness washed over her. She fell on her bed, the dormitory was empty now. Her friend left the orphanage a few days before. Luna had mixed feelings, she wanted to start a new chapter in her life, but she also was afraid to live life on her own. She was going to be eighteen soon and it was her turn to leave now. Sister Theresa was helping her out to find a job. Imperium offices called her for an interview, it was scheduled for the next morning. Her stomach ached and was feeling anxious. Her mind filled with thoughts and didn't think she'd fall asleep, but she did. Luna heard footsteps approaching the dormitory. She opened her eyes, the light from the window dazzled her eyes, it was morning already. Sister Theresa entered the room and stood beside the bed staring down at her.

'You're still in bed?'

'What time is it?'

'You're going to be late. Your interview with Mr. Solis is at nine and it's already seven forty-five. Dress up, quickly. I'll take you there, you won't arrive on time if you pick the bus.' Luna dressed up. She pulled her hair in a bun. She looked smart in the black suit sister Theresa had bought her. Luna was a gorgeous girl, she was tall with a slim figure, had huge green-blue eyes, platinum blonde hair and red plum lips. She turned heads wherever she went. Luna has changed, the past few years were difficult for her, but it was time to move on now.

'You look beautiful my dear, I am so proud of you!'

'Thanks', Luna blushed at her comment.

'Come on now, we need to leave, you cannot be late for your first interview.' The streets were filled with traffic but managed to arrive on time. They stopped in front of a magnificent building.

'Good luck, I will pray for you.' Luna's heart was hammering against her chest and tears fell on her cheeks.

'Luna, calm down, I'm sure you'll do well.'

'Thanks Sister Theresa, for all of this, you bought me these clothes, you are helping me to find a job before I leave, I will miss you, you know?'

'I will miss you too, you are very important to me, and nothing will ever change that. Now please, you need to compose yourself.' Luna walked out and came in front of a big glass door, she pushed it open, and the receptionist greeted her with a smile.

'Good morning, how can I help you?'

'Hi, good morning, I have an interview with Mr. Solis, at nine.'

'Give me a minute please. I will give him a call to check. Your name is?'

'Luna. Luna Smith.'

'The office of Mr. Solis is on the twelfth floor. You can take the lift.'

'Thanks very much.'

She walked through the big hall, pushed the buttons for the lift and waited. The doors opened, everyone looked at her curiously. Luna stood uncomfortably until she reached the twelfth floor. It felt like a lifetime. She got out, took a deep breath, and tried to calm herself. She walked through a wide corridor. Offices were divided with thick glass on the right. She was getting confused. She had no idea where to go.

'Excuse me, I have an appointment with Mr. Soils, kindly can you tell me where his office is please?'

'Mr. Solis is the one approaching us, come with me.'

'This young lady is asking for you Mr. Solis.' He looked at her with a broad smile.

'Thanks Lorraine, I will handle it from here. He scanned her from top to bottom. You must be Ms. Smith?'

Mystic Revelations - Luna Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now