Chapter 3

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'Well, you are incredibly clever, I would have never thought of it, well done Luna. You impress me, you do realize, don't you. That this kind of knowledge comes from someone who has done this work for several years, not a few weeks. You have a new admirer.'

'Thanks, it is because I have a good teacher.'

'That is very true also,' said Etoile, and they both giggled. Etoile fixed his eyes on her. She shyly forced her gaze to meet his eyes. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Then, he turned his back to look at the clock that was behind his desk.

'It's eleven forty-five, I was thinking, maybe instead of having lunch with the others today, we will go and try the new cafeteria.' Luna felt heat rising her cheeks.

'Why not?' she replied, smiling, and feeling a flatter of nerves in her stomach. She stood up, put her coat on and grabbed her shoulder bag. He eyed her appreciably. She was an extraordinary girl, really. Her platinum blonde hair was smoothed back into an elegant roll at the back of her head, a piece of fringe was hanging on the side of her petite face. She had a high-necked black dress which hugged her perfect physic, her breasts moved beneath the fabric. Etoile took a deep breath, knowing the trouble he would get into if Mr. Solis discovered what he was feeling for her.

They got out of the building, the air outside was chilly. Etoile rubbed his hands together to keep them warm. While they were walking Luna noticed an apartment for rent.

'Sorry to stop you. I just need to take the phone number, just a second.'

'No worries at all. So, when are you going to move?'

'Soon, but I'm still looking for an apartment, the ones I've seen were asking a lot.'

'A friend of mine has one in this area. I will send him a message to check.' They stopped abruptly. A dozen people blocked their way.

'Oh my, are these people waiting to go inside the cafeteria?' said Luna.

'It seems that everyone wanted to try it,' he replied. They looked at each other disappointed. 'I guess we have to find somewhere else.' They walked a few blocks more up the road, crossed the street and entered one of the cafeterias there. The inside area looked warm and inviting. A young man noticed them entering and approached to greet them.

'Good afternoon, how can I be of service?'

'We would like a table for two please,' said Etoile.

'Sure, please follow me, we have a vacant table at the back.' They removed their coats and sat down.

'I will get you the menus.'

'This place is lovely and cozy,' she said. Etoile looked at her and nodded in approval while looking around.

'Here are the menus, would you like to order a drink for now?

'Yes please. I would like a cappuccino,' said Luna.

'I have the same.' The young man's eyes lingered on Luna's face.

'I will be with you shortly.'

'The food looks good, and it's not pricey. I will have a meat ciabatta. What are going to order?' said Etoile while still looking at the menu.

'A ham and cheese sandwich.' The waiter came towards them after a few minutes. He placed the cappuccino on their table and pulled out a pen and a notebook from his pocket. Luna looked up at him while taking their order and a thrill of recognition went through her.

'Sorry to ask. Is your name Jeremy?' Luna asked. His eyes widened. 'So, it is you, Luna! I thought that I knew you from somewhere! All grown up. I hardly recognized you. How are you? Did you leave yet?'

Mystic Revelations - Luna Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now