Part II - A Shocking Revelation

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The drive to the retirement home was a short one, which Avan was thankful for as he worried for the safety of his unprotected melon.

When they pulled up to the front entrance of Beverely Acres Retirement Home - the duo were met with the sight of two elderly folk being terrorized by a mutant potato.

The old ladies were backed into a corner, and sprawled on the ground. Towering over them stood the 6 foot tall monster, a gigantic root vegetable with an emphasis on the "root" part. 

At least a dozen or so tendril-like appendages sprouting from its skin, which it used to propel itself up, and take on the form of a vague humanoid.

It laughed maniacally, putting two tendril-made arms on its oblong body.

Presumably observing the fright that it had instilled upon the two retired folk. "Presumably" because the mutant didn't display any discernible eyes.

Though it did have a very noticeable mouth.

"Dear god..." muttered Avan, as Shayan put down the brake and cut the engine.

"There it is" said Shayan in a hushed tone, as the photosynthetic mutant reached out with a long fibrous arm and took hold of the glasses that one of the grounded elderly folk was searching for.

Scrambling across the ground in a frantic panic, and right now when she was about to find the answer to her crippled vision.

The mutant pulled it away, ever so slightly.

Giggling, as it watched the old woman reach for something always just a bit out of reach.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" asked Avan.

"That...would've been good to have" replied Shayan, as Avan let out a sigh.

'Of course...' the bearded man thought.

"You'll never get away with this!" exclaimed one of the elderly ladies, as she found her walker and managed to get up.

"Says who? You? Oh, don't make me laugh...actually, go right ahead. It's why I came here after all" spoke the malicious non-human in a blatantly feminine voice. As she sent forth a tendrilous arm that yanked the retired woman's walker away.

Sending the grannie falling flat on her face, and probably throw out her hip in the process.

'That voice...' thought Avan, as the voice of the sinister spud rang a sense of familiarity in the persian man's mind.

"Okay, I got a plan" said Shayan, when the sound of an inconsiderate squirrel shrieking revealed their presence to the Machiavellian mutant.

Her upper body turned, rather uncomfortably, as a toothy grin worked its way onto her distressing face at the sight of Shayan and Avan on a moped.

"Well, well, well..." the monster spoke, as Shayan gulped thinking 'she saw us'.

'Why the hell does her voice sound so familiar?' thought Avan, as he wracked his brain for the source of the persistent familiarity.

"Look's like I've got a bunch of spectators" the mutant said playfully, as she crossed her presumed chest with her tendrilous arms. Morphing into one another, and forming a seal.

"We're not spectators!" exclaimed Shayan in response. His words flying over the mutants head as she honed in on Avan's face.

Her grin widening at the sight of Avan's befuddled face.

"You! Oh, I know you..." spoke the mutant deviously.

"I don't know you" said Shayan stupidly, as Avan thought 'why the heck are we talking to her? And what about the elderly?'

Shayan & Avan - The Mutated PotatoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora