Part V - The End

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Avan thought about it for a while, and gave Genny his answer.

"Sorry but...I can't".

He pulled his hands away from Genny's, as the girl's cheeks turned red. Quickly pulling her hands under the table, and looking away bashfully.

"Y-Yeah...of course..." Genny replied, mentally kicking herself for breaking things off when she did.

"But uh...maybe we can still be friends?" Avan asked, as Genny looked at him.

Flustered, but hopeful nevertheless. 

A half-smile creeping onto her face, as she responded to his question with a nod.

"S-Sure, I'd be happy to" Genny replied, as a smile uneasily grew on Avan's face.

In order to keep the cumbrous silence at bay Genny got up, saying "a-anyways, I better get going. Came to see my grandpa and all..." Picking up the bag he brought for the older man, and lifting it up to show to her friend zoned ex.

Avan nodded, and waved farewell as Genny left. 

Leaving him alone.

"Alright, so that's all done and over with" said Shayan, as he walked over to Avan's table and sat down where Genny once was.

"How you feeling?"

Shayan smiled, and replied "feeling pretty good. Doc gave me a clean bill of health". 

Avan smiled slightly, and said "glad to hear it".

"So, fancy seeing your girl friend here of all places".

"Fancier than fighting a mutated potato named Kimberly Malkovich?" 

Shayan chuckled, and replied "only a couple rungs lower". Showing the hierarchical placement with one hand.

Avan's smile faded, as he uttered the harsh truth "yeah well uh...we're no longer dating".

Shayan's playful demeanor shattered, and in its place a more serious attitude took form.

"Oh crud, she dumped you?"

Avan nodded a little somberly, but resolutely as Shayan reached across the table and pat his friend on the shoulder.

"That's rough buddy".

Avan nodded slightly, as Shayan pulled his hand back saying.

"Sorry it didn't work out".

"Thanks, and hey. Who knows...maybe it was for the best, all things considered".

"What, like a blessing in disguise?"

Avan shrugged, and replied "something like that".

"Excuse me young man" called out an old lady, who walked over to the table where Avan and Shayan sat.

She was very posh, echoing an early Victorian aesthetic from her frilly gown, corset, and puffy shoulders. A pearl necklace adorning her neck, with white spectral hair tied back into a bun.

"My name is Mrs. Percival, and I am the UK representative of the International Association of Elderly Individuals" the woman introduced, her tone commanding yet gentle.

"Now, after that stunning spectacle and immaculate display of bravery in defense of us elderly. We present you with this locket of accomplishment for outstanding bravery, as a token of our appreciation" Mrs. Percival said, as she gave Avan a lavish, luxurious locket - contained inside a felt covered box.

'Oh wow...' thought Avan, as he eyed the locket.

'I didn't know old people had an international organization...also, what do they even do?' pondered Shayan.

"Thank you Mrs. Percival, but didn't really have to give me this" Avan said.

"And he's modest too" Mrs. Percival said, as a smile creaked onto her leathery face before putting the locket and its box on the table and turning on a heel to walk away.

Avan blinking, and looking at the locket curiously.

"Congrats dude" said Shayan.

"Heh, I can't take all the credit. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had a fighting chance" Avan replied, before adding "without a friend like you, I'd be down for the count".

Shayan looked at Avan with a warm smile, and asked "you mean it?"

Avan brought up a fist to bump, and said "you know it".

Shayan bumped his friend's fist, and said triumphantly "best friends for life!"

"Hell yeah! Now, let's get outta here and go home" said Avan, as he and Shayan stood up.

"Now that the main villain has been defeated, it's time for this adventure to come to an end" Shayan proclaimed, as Avan headed for the door.

"Whatever you say, meta-humor man" Avan replied, as he and Shayan headed out the automated doors.

Shayan called an uber, and as they waited.

Avan's shorter best friend turned to him, and said "by the by, just so you know...when I shouted that, admittedly embarrassing thing, it was just something I made up to distract her. You know that right?"

Avan nodded, and replied sarcastically "sure".

"It was just spur of the moment - I could've literally said anything".

"Uh huh".

"I swear..."

"Whatever you say man..."

Shayan looked at Avan with a bit of frustration in his eyes, as his head hung low thinking 'me and my stupid mouth'.

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