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As Edendir spun around the figure vanished. They were a simple dark shape with stunning blue eyes but that was all Edendir could see. The figure would repeat its mystery appearances whenever Edendir was alone and could often be seen out of the corner of the elf's eye, providing a great distraction for when he was studying or working. Eventually Edendir put it out of his mind and got back to preparing for the auditions.

The auditions were six months away from when the forms were handed out and in the waiting time Edendir found himself getting more and more popular. Teachers would let him off on small things and people were always coming up to talk to him. Boyd stayed being as cool as he already was but with just a dash more appeal.

"Guess what's tomorrow?" Olly said one Friday. They were all sat in Dylan's massive room, watching him edit Edendir's latest video.

"What?" Edendir asked, raising his head off his arms to look over at Olly tiredly. Halfway through the school year, when all the tests were announced, the elf had realised he hadn't listen in any lessons. Olly was a natural learner but just found it hard to concentrate and the two of them had been working hard to study for all the tests. Edendir had the added pressure of working out what he was doing for his audition and was working through the nights, Dylan the only one keeping him company.

"Tomorrow it's your auditions."

There was the sound of a guitar string snapping and Edendir glanced over to see an astonished looking Boyd. "Tomorrow?" the American said in disbelief. "It can't be. They were six months away, weren't they?"

"Six months ago they were," Dylan said, not looking around from where he was sat at his computer. "Now they're tomorrow."

"And you didn't think to tell me?" Boyd cried.

"I thought you were prepared," Dylan replied.

"We all did," Vassago said before Boyd could explode with restrained emotion. 

"I prepared," Edendir said unhelpfully. "But I'm still going to fail."

"Don't take that attitude," Vassago scolded. "You'll be brilliant."

"Or you'll die on stage," Dylan said cheerfully. "Either way it'll be spectacular."

"Thanks," Edendir said glumly, resting his chin on his forearm and spreading out across Dylan's massive bed. "I feel a lot better now."

"No problem."

"Just calm down," Olly said consolingly. "Everything will go okay. Boyd, you have the best voice I've ever heard and if you're panicking then just do 'Haven't Met You Yet' again. Edendir, you're an elf. You can't fail."

"That really gets rid of the pressure," Edendir said sarcastically. 

"A good night's sleep will rid you of any worries," Vassago said. "Everybody go to bed. Remember, we have an early start tomorrow and apparently I'm driving so if you wake me up then I'm going to purposefully crash the car, wait for it to explode and then use my fire resistant skin to stand there laughing at you as the skin melts from your bones. Understood?"

A stunned silence pervaded the room. In a sudden rush of movement Edendir sprinted back to his bedroom, Olly swiftly exited to one of the many spare rooms and Boyd dived under the covers of Dylan's bed, hiding.

"Good," Vassago said before marching out of the room.


The sound of a shrieking, piercing alarm broke the sleepy silence of Edendir's room and he groaned, slapping his hand down on the alarm. It snapped under his punch and the noise stopped with a hiss. 

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