Finally, The Finals

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An incredibly nervous elf watched from the side of the stage as the show began. Dodger swanned on amidst crowds of girls wearing barely anything, loud music playing. There was a forced smile on his face that only Edendir could sympathise with; strong sounds were torture for sensitive ears.

"Hello!" Dodger cried, quelling the music and making it fade out, far too slowly for Edendir's liking. "Hello, hello. Welcome to Amaze Us! Tonight we bring to you the finals and boy do we have one heck of a line up ready for you. But first, please welcome our judges!" He stepped aside with a sweeping gesture of his arm, bowing the judges on stage. More deafening music played and confetti sprinkled onto the vast expanse of stage to shower the judges's route. They walked on to cheers and applause, waving, saluting or blowing kisses. They made their way to their judging panel and sat down.

"On with the show," Dodger said, sliding sideways back to his spot in front of the cameras. "Tonight on the show..." He tailed off and allowed the tape to play showcasing all the performers, reading out their names from the Autocue. Edendir was last and Boyd was first, both equally terrified.

"Our first competitor will be up after the break," Dodger said, smiling at the camera. They cut to an advert break and the presenter took a deep breath before walking over to Boyd and Edendir, stood side by side in the wings. Ryan was next to Edendir and Boyd was being physically supported by Dylan, looking incredibly ill. 

"Are you alright?" Dodger asked in concern. "You're on first and I don't want you to be sick on my shoes."

"I'll be fine," Boyd said quietly. "I'm just terrified."

"What are you singing?"

"You'll see," he said, a spark of his usual coolness returning. Then he sighed and clasped his hands over the back of his neck. "I haven't practised in front of anyone so I'm going to mess up."

"You're going to be brilliant," Dylan said comfortingly. "You always are." 

"That's when I've had practise!" Boyd protested. "I haven't performed this in front of anyone ever so I'm going to mess up..."

"The worst thing that can happen is you don't win," Dodger said. "But I think that Symon's considering you for a recording contract even if you don't win."

"Edendir will win," Boyd muttered. "He's too good."

"I've never done hypnosis before," Edendir admitted. "This could go badly."

"Now you tell me!" Ryan cried in horror. "What if I'm stuck thinking I'm a chicken forever?"

"I won't do that," Edendir promised. "No chickens."


"I'm back on," Dodger said suddenly. "Good luck, Boyd. You might want to get into position now." He ran off, back to the middle of the stage just as the countdown back to live began.

"Five... four... three... two... one..."

"Welcome back!" Dodger said cheerfully. "Our first contestant is up now. Please welcome to the stage... Boyd Miller!" He nodded to the back of the stage, walking backwards at the same time. Boyd was sat with his back against a wall, staring upwards. He was in a rumpled suit with his tie loose around his neck, his shirt untucked. A prop gun was by side and he glanced down at it as he began to sing unaccompanied.

"Birds flying high,

'You know how I feel,

'Sun in the sky,

'You know how I feel,

'Breeze driftin' on by,

'You know how I feel,

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