Plan Of Action

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"After the break we will be talking to Amaze Us's winner, Edendir," Phill Tuner announced. Edendir shifted his weight from foot to foot, stood just out of shot. He was going on a live interview programme hosted by a very thorough presenter. He had no idea why he was there but Dodger had arranged it and had threatened to lock Ryan out if the elf refused to go on.

"How are you feeling?" Ryan asked in a low voice. After the ice skating incident yesterday he hadn't left the elf's side and would answer any embarrassing questions thrown their way with puns and sarcasm, saving Edendir a job. They'd gone back to Dodger's and Edendir had spent the night in a different room to Ryan, much to Dodger's amusement and Ryan's irritation. 

"Nervous," Edendir admitted. "I don't want people asking me stuff without you there."

"One day I'm going to glue Ryan to a tree and force you to go around without him," Dodger muttered. "Since you two got together you're even more inseparable than before. You're two separate beings, you can do things without one another."

"It isn't as fun," Ryan replied. "And I can only teleport, not do anything else."

"Like reach things down from high places, for example?" Dodger guessed. Ryan shot him a glare and Edendir sighed. 

"No fighting," he said. 

"We're on in two," a staff worker said. 

"Dadger, go away," Edendir ordered. Ryan laughed and Dodger held back a smile.

"So I've become a joke now, have I?" 

"You've always been a joke," Edendir informed him. Dodger frowned and walked away, dragging Ryan behind him as the staff worker came back over and sorted out Edendir's microphone, flattening down the elf's ruffled hair. 

"Go and sit down," she whispered. Edendir nodded and followed her over to a red sofa positioned just next to a curved desk. He sat down close to the desk and smiled timidly. 

"Try not to swear, that's all I can say," Phill muttered. "You won't be liked if you swear."

"Got it," Edendir nodded. Phill smiled at him and then turned to the camera, reading off the Autocue, the live presenter's best friend.

"Welcome back," he said cheerfully. "With me now I have Edendir, the current winner of Amaze Us. Edendir, how does it feel to know you beat one of your friends?"

"Um..." Edendir was unprepared for the question. "Boyd came out on top, really. He got the record deal, I just got recognised."

"And a quarter of a million pounds," Phill reminded him. 

"Yeah, but that doesn't really bother me much. He can have it if he wants."

"Does the amount of money not affect you because you're not living with Dodger?" Phill asked. 

"No. I've never been too fussed about money."

"Is that because people always paid for you?"

"Um..." Edendir blinked a few times. "I... does that matter?"

"Not really." Phill changed the subject abruptly. "So, where have you and Ryan gone with your relationship? Was it just a friendly kiss or something more? Are you together?"

So many questions, Edendir thought in panic. He caught Ryan's eye and saw him nod slightly. The elf turned back to the presenter and answered.

"Ryan and I are together."

"Friends or boyfriends?" Phill quizzed.


"Has it occurred to you that he just stays around for your money?"

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