Face Your Fears

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Somewhere in another world the sound of a whistle carried through the air. It wasn't that of an aeroplane, like they were used to, but the cry of alarm of one of their kind. In an instant the remaining breeze spirits had flown down to Elfir, breaking the ancient wall of hostility that had been put up so long ago.


When the water bubbled in Home it was never a good sign. When it signified a cry of alarm everything was dropped and each and every water nymph raced to the nearest pond, lake or river that connected with the sea in Elfir. 


There weren't many warlocks left, and any that there were had gone into hiding. So when a piercing whistle invaded their ears it was a shock but a welcome shock. Immediately they made their way to the palace in the centre of Zarville, some even coming from the Dark Bit. It didn't matter who they were; they needed to help one of their own. An alarm cry could not be ignored.


To the elves of Elfir a scream wasn't exactly unfamiliar but a whistle was. Confusion spread across each and every face and a crowd formed, slowly making its way to the palace to investigate the source of the noise. They weren't to know that it was an alarm call but they knew that something was wrong. 


Buzzing in your finger was one way to wake up and when it was coupled with whistling it became very irritating indeed. Groaning and sitting up slowly, chest aching as if its heart had broken, the teleporter looked down at its hand and rubbed one finger thoughtfully. The whistling got louder and something clicked in the back of the teleporter's brain. In an instant it was up on its feet, ignoring the pain in its heart, and following the source of the alarm call.


Edendir fell to the floor, the strength bleeding out of him. His head was ringing with some kind of whistle that was slowly fading away and his hands were numb. Eldon hadn't been harmed at all and crossed the room to get to the elf.

"Hello, king," he said with a smug smirk.

"Not yet," Edendir said weakly. "The battle isn't over."

"Oh really? Because it looks like you're pretty beaten to me," Eldon stated. He had his legs braced and apart so that he could bend down and face Edendir. The elf prayed that he wouldn't rip any muscles in his leg as an idea hit him. Before Eldon could move Edendir swung his leg up and kicked Eldon, very very hard, between the legs. 

The elf king crumpled and Edendir took the opportunity to escape. He scrambled to his feet and sprinted for the door, slipping in the blood that had spread everywhere. He let out the sob he'd been holding in as he felt something grip his ankle and allowed himself to be dragged down to the floor, cracking his chin on the stone surface. 

"Stay," a melodic voice commanded. Edendir's eyes followed a blood-red water nymph as it rose out of the pool and its tail merged into two legs. It walked across the hall to Eldon and screamed at him, almost deafening the young elf and sending the king shooting a few feet backwards. 

"No!" Edendir yelled, realising what was going on. The water nymph looked at him in confusion.

"I'm meant to do this alone," the elf explained, shakily getting to his feet. 

"I understand," the water nymph said with a bow. "I will tell the others to wait until the battle between you both is over. Do you mind if we watch?"

"Feel free," Edendir shrugged. He waved his hand at the watching guests and smiled slightly. "It's not as if there isn't an audience already."

"Thank you," the water nymph said graciously, vanishing back down into the puddle of blood. Edendir watched it go and then shuddered as he realised he had Ryan's blood all over him. Sure, he had cat whiskers on his face in Dodger's blood, but Ryan wouldn't approve of it randomly being splattered across him. Not artistic enough. No style.

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