Road to Regression

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Fatima's tired eyes fluttered open, momentarily closing for a second to get used to the light coming from the closet. Her teeth chattered as the cool breeze from the air conditioner crept through the large hoodie she wore over her T-shirt and shorts.

When her eyes opened again, they immediately became fixated on the tired concerned eyes staring back at her. Her face melted into the back of his warm hand that was caressing her jawline.

"Good morning"

Too afraid to speak, Fatima closed her eyes again.  "Baby...look at me" he requested with caution. He noticed the red eyes and dried tears on her face and couldn't help but worry about her. Slowly her eyes opened but she could only look past him. His fingers guided her chin to meet her frozen eyes " Look at me mama"

Fatima pulled her chin from "Stop." She snapped firmly, making her own eyes water

Zac retreated his hand quickly " Okay, what's wro-" He couldn't help but notice the tears filling her eyes "Baby what's the matter. Why you crying mama."

"I-I want to go home." Fatima's voice became staggered and she started slowly gasping for air "I need to go home."

"Ti you are home." His hands pressed against her shoulders to calm her down but he snatched away from him once again


Zac held his hands up to surrender "Okay, okay. I won't touch you. Can you just...can you tell me how we got here. Did something happen? Did you have a bad dream or something?"

Fatima sat quietly and continued to stare past Zac "I'm going to be late for work."

"Okay, I'll take you to your apartment." He stood up from his seated position and held out his hand, expecting for her to take it but she didn't. She stood to her feet on her own, but not without Zac instantly noticing she winced in pain. "I know, the floor is hard. I would have pulled down the air mattress had I known you were scared."

Fatima did not respond but moved past him to go and gather her things. When Zac returned from the bathroom, he noticed Fatima pulling her belongings from her designated drawers and tossed items into a bag that she normally wouldn't take back to her apartment "Why you taking your stuff baby?"

"Can you take me home please Zac" her voice was tired and she just wanted to drink. She just wanted to cry. She just wanted to sleep. Fatima just wanted to forget. She wanted to forget everything that was done to her. She wanted to forget the flashbacks from taking over her mind and she wanted to forget what Nate had done yesterday.

In Fatima's mind, she didn't think she could tell Zac what happened last night. From what she knew, Nate and Zac had been friends since high school. Although they ended up on two separate paths, he considered Nate to be apart of his family. Who was she to come in between that?

In Fatima's mind, and from Fatima's experience, Zac would not believe her. And she did not want to come in between Zac's friendship. Ideally, it would be her word over his.

And Zac not believing her and choosing Nate over her, would break her.

Fatima had been broken way too many times before and not having Zachary Taylor in her life, was not something she was prepared to live with.

So, she decided to say nothing.

"I just, I ran out at my place."

Zac nodded "Oh, well yeah just go ahead and take it. I'll grab you some more stuff while I'm out today. That's cool?"

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