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It was a normal day for Caroline Fall. She got up, went to Starbucks, then went to work.

She was a famous actress on BroadWay. And at the moment she was on her way to Audition for a new role. And everything was going well till a sand bag fell from above and hit her on the head, causing her to fall off stage and into a few stands.

When she fell one of the stands stabbed her while a couple of others hit her head, causing her to fall and slowly bleed out, before dying.

Caroline thought that when she woke up she'd be with Angels or Fire, not a hospital room. She looked around confused, because oddly enough the room was vaguely familiar.

When she stood up she went to head for the door only to be stopped by looking at the mirror. She nearly screamed from what she saw. Because it wasn't her face looking back at her, it was the face of Caroline Forbes.

"No..." Caroline said in disbelief. "How in the hell..." Before she continued she noticed something hidden in the sink under a towel, right where she was standing. A blood bag. "Damn. I'm already a vampire." She said to herself. 

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