Vampire Carnival

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Since Caroline woke up she's come to realize many things other than the fact she's a vampire. 

She has soulmates- something she figured out by her new random tattoos and she's even figured most of them out. She's also a siphon witch- side effects of being reborn she guessed. 

Anyways, as soon as it turned night time she compelled herself free from the hospital and went to the carnival. 

When she got there she entered the school and then started roaming the halls till she happened upon Damon

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When she got there she entered the school and then started roaming the halls till she happened upon Damon. 

"Hey Blondie, they let you out?" Damon asked, before pausing slightly and looking at her, and she automatically knew he felt the soulmate pull, she knew because she could too. 

"I remember." Caroline said simply. 

"What do you remember?" He asked, confused.

"I remember how you manipulated me, you pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories, fed on me." She listed. 

"No." He said, not wanting to believe it. 

"Memories have been coming back, in pieces." 

"You can't remember. It's impossible, I mean unless you're becoming a..." He slowly stopped talking as realization dawned on him. 

"I have a message from Katherine, she said "Game on"." And with that she went to walk away, but he grabbed her arm. 

"Wait..." He said, but she took him by his collar and shoved him into the lockers. 

"Maybe this time around you won't be a dick." She said before throwing him into the other wall before using her speed to leave. 

"Hey." Caroline said when she found Matt at RIng Toss a few minutes later.

"What are you doing here?" Matt asked, confused.

"They discharged me early. By the way, I'm dumping you. See you later." But before she walk away he grabbed her arm.

"What do you mean you're breaking up with me? Is there someone else?" Matt questioned her.

"There's everyone else. Besides, I've just realized that you're still in love with Elena. And I never really liked you, I was just competing with her. So, in realizing that: I dump your ass. And also, you;re a bad boyfriend. You put me down, all the time. And also, I see the way you look at other girls. I'm not stupid. Bye Matt." And with that she pulled her arm away from him and walked away.

After that talk Caroline spent the next twenty or so minutes playing games and going on rides, even eating some carnival food. But then she smelled it. The blood.

She followed the smell to find Carter from the show. She took a minute to decide what she was going to do, and then she did it.

She sped up behind him like in the show and started drinking his blood, but instead of killing him she stopped, healed him and then compelled him on his way. She even used her phone to make sure that she had blood over her face. And then she waited.

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