Wolf moon

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Over the next few days Caroline stayed home, pretending to be sick. But it wasn't all bad, both Stefan and Damon came to see her every now and then. They talked, kissed a few times, and they told her everything about what's been going on and about themselves.

And then came Friday and Bonnie showed up with Stefan to give her a ring

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And then came Friday and Bonnie showed up with Stefan to give her a ring.

They were in her room and Bonnie even had Emily's grimoire in her hands. Caroline had the famous ring in her hands.

"So, I don't get to choose the ring I have to wear for the rest of my life?" Caroline muttered, even though she loved the ring, she just wanted to be a bitch.

"Hey, if you don't want it..." Bonnie went to take it back but Caroline slapped her hand away.

"Don't you dare, bitch." Caroline said and Bonnie raised a brow at her.

"No, no, she wants it." Stefan said, trying to stop a fight from happening.

"Now what?" The blond asked in annoyance.

"Now is the part where I explain the rules. The witch who spells the ring has the power to dispel it so if you ever do anything to hurt anyone..." Bonnie droned on.

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone." Caroline snapped.

"You are a vampire that mean that urge to k*ll is a part of who you are. The minute you let it take over, I will stop you."

"I'm still me, Bonnie! Being a vampire isn't going to change me. Not like being a witch has turned you into more of a judgemental bitch than ever. Bonnie, you're supposed to be my friend. And right now, you suck at that. I mean you do realize that I was murdered because you've all done nothing but lie to me for months, right? I mean you let Damon abuse me for fucks sakes! And you're the one who told him to heal me in the first place, knowing I could have died! YOU did this to me, I didn't ask for it! So how about you stop being a judgmental witch bitch, and find the Bonnie Bennett who used to be my best friend." Caroline snapped at her in anger and annoyance.

"I can't ignore what happened okay? You fed on someone! If you want to be friends, you have to prove that the Caroline I remember isn't gone. Now put the ring on the bed." Bonnie said to her and she scoffed.

"I don't have to prove anything to anyone." Caroline said, putting the ring on the bed.

They watched as Bonnie did the spell before she handed the ring over to Caroline.

"All done." Bonnie said, handing her the ring, and Caroline put it on her forefinger.

"Thanks. Now get the hell out of my house." Caroline said before leaving the room and going to the kitchen to get some water. She listened as the door slammed and rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Caroline..." Stefan said with a sigh as he walked into the kitchen.

"Don't. Okay? She was totally out of line, and very lucky I didn't rip her head off." Caroline said before sticking up her middle fingers at the door in anger. But Stefan just took her hands in his and looked at her.

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