The Council Meets

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Obi-Wan: How is this possible? There is no way an executive order can be both secret and mandatory to follow. And why in the universe would a diploma be required to simply enter the Senate building?!

Mace Windu: Possible or not, we have a bigger problem. Apparently the Jedi Academy is no recognized as a valid institution of learning, meaning none of us actually have an diplomas.

Kit Fisto: Pardon my language, but this is bullshit. The curriculum that Jedi go through is significantly more advanced than almost any high school in the galaxy.

Yoda: Embarassing, this is. Get diplomas, all of us must.

Obi-Wan: Master Yoda, are you suggesting that we all go back to high school?

Yoda: Night classes, we must take, to get our GEDs. But the padawans, yes, go to regular high school, they must.

Yarael Poof: So you're saying that we should bow down to any ridiculous demands that polititians make of us?

Yoda: Directly targeted at us, this was not. But follow the laws we must, to set a good example for the citizens of the Republic.

Mace Windu: It's settled, then. All Padawans below the age of 18 or their species' equivalent must attend public school, and all adult Jedi must take night classes. But what about the younglings?

Plo Koon: It is too dangerous for them to attend school outside of the Temple. By the time they are Padawans, they will be able to defend themselves and have the necessary maturity to not cause Force problems.

Shaak Ti: I'll have to find another way out of this. Unfortunately, Kamino does not have and GED classes.

Yoda: Adjourned, this metting is. Inform the Padawans, you all must.

The Jedi Go to High SchoolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ