Day 2: The Ghost

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Principal: I regret to inform you all that it appears a Jedi apprentice has been severely breaking the rules, and using their powers to disrupt the smooth functioning of our school. Starting now, if there is any Jedi in the room where a disruption occurs, they will be suspended and reported to the Jedi Council. I trust none of you Padawans wish to get your fellow apprentices in trouble?

Ahsoka: This is crazy. It's almost impossible for someone who can't sense the Force to identify who exactly is doing it.

Alara: You know how authority figures are; they really hate it when they can't control everything.

Ahsoka: And what if it really is a ghost? Then someone will get in trouble for no reason.

Alara: Do you really believe in ghosts?

Ahsoka: I once got yelled at by the ghost of a long-dead Sith lord, so yeah, I know for a fact that they exist.

Alara: That sounds...interesting. Hey, we better get going, we don't want to be late for home ec. It is definitely one of the best classes to take here, especially in the morning.

Ahsoka: How did you...did you steal my schedule?!

Alara: Hey, Jedi or not, new students need a buddy to help them navigate the complex structure of high school. Come on, we get to make muja fruit waffles!

Ahsoka: Waffles do sound better than getting yelled at!

Home Ec

Teacher: Miss Tano, do you have any cooking experience?

Ahsoka: A little. We had some cooking classes as part of the curriculum at the Jedi Temple.

Teacher: Good. Why don't you pair up with Alara, unfortunately, she seems to be the type to burn water.

Alara *to Ahsoka*: I will never be able to live that down. I got distracted and all the water boiled away.

Ahsoka: So are you good at cooking, or...

Alara: I'm...ok. I can follow a recipe, but even that doesn't always work out. How about you?

Ahsoka: Unfortunately most of my skills are how to make rations taste edible. But I can follow a recipe.

Teacher: You guys need to start cooking if you want to be done by the end of class!

Ahsoka: Let's get to it then!

1 hour later

Ahsoka: I don't think the waffle maker should have smoke coming out of it.

Alara: Who knows? As long as the waffles are somewhat edible, we get a passing grade.

Ahsoka: Well, they seem to be mostly fine...

Teacher: They are. *tastes them*  Could use some more sugar, but you two get an A.

Alara: Yes!

The fire alarm goes off

Alara: I didn't burn anything this time!

Ahsoka: No, you didn't. The fire extinguisher is on fire!

Alara: How?! It has ONE job.

Ahsoka: Hey, do you want to hear about the time Fives used a fire extinguisher as a jetpack?

Alara: How is that even possible?!

Ahsoka: Well, it was Hardcase's idea...

Later in literature class

Alara: Psst...Ahsoka!

Ahsoka: What?

Alara: There's a spider right above our teacher's head.

Ahsoka: Oh no.

Alara: She deserves it. She told a student that they can't wear a suit to the dance because their species has no genders. She told them to be a piece of furniture.

Ahsoka: That sounds unnecessarily mean.

Alara: The itsy bitsy spider...

Teacher: AAAAAAAAAA!!! Spider!!!

Alara: Oh no, ma'am! Do you want me to get it outside?

Teacher: Kill it!!!

Alara: I will be right back.

Alara leaves

Teacher: Now, were were we...oh, yes. Lyechusas' first drama on the topic of Xim the Despot. We will be putting on a play. Miss Tano, you will play Queen Indrexu.

Ahsoka: Ok...

Alara comes back

Teacher: Is the spider gone?

Alara: Yeah.

Screams echo from the teacher's lounge

Teacher: What was that?

PA System: It appears that someone has decided to use the Force to spray caf all over the teacher's lounge. All Jedi will be required to go through questioning as to their whereabouts during this incident.

Ahsoka: It wasn't me, you were looking at me this whole time.

Alara: What if this really is a ghost?

Teacher: They don't exist in real life!!!

Ahsoka: I once got yelled at by a Sith ghost.

Teacher: Are you sure you weren't hallucinating?

Ahsoka: Yes, I'm sure.

The bell rings

Teacher: I expect all of you to read through the drama and write a 500 word essay on who Xim the Despot respected.

Alara: Hey, you want to go to the movies?

Ahsoka: I have to go to the principal's office first, remember?

Alara: I'll wait for you.

The principal's office

Principal: All of you, what were you thinking?!

Ahsoka: Was one of us even near the teacher's lounge?

Principal: No...

Ahsoka: So it could definitely be a real ghost!

Principal: Ghosts don't exist, and even if they did, why would they haunt this school. There have never been any deaths here!

Caleb: Are we free to go?

Principal: Yes, fine, you all can go.


Alara: How'd it go?

Ahsoka: He can't prove it was a Jedi. I'm seriously considering the ghost theory.

Alara: Me too. I mean, what if there was someone that died in this building?

Ahsoka: I can look up any police reports related to the school...

Alara: What say we go to the movies first? They're showing Castle Creep today!

Ahsoka: Is it good?

Alara: You can tell me when you see it!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 17 ⏰

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