The Padawans' First Day

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Ahsoka: Great. Just great. We study here for years, and suddenly its all invalid and we have to go learn it again.

Barriss: I don't. My Republic medical degree counts as my diploma

Ahsoka: Way to rub it in Barriss. Now who am I going to sit next to?

Barriss: Perhaps you will have assigned seating. And it is very important for Jedi to connect with the people they serve. This is an amazing opportunity to do just that.

Ahsoka: We just finished fighting in a war. Can't we have some peace and quiet for once?!

Barriss: Ahsoka, stop complaining, or you're going to be late.

Ahsoka: Traitor. You get promoted to Knight and now you think you can escape high school.

CocoTown High School

Front Desk Lady: Here is your schedule, and remember, all commlinks and lightsabers must stay in your lockers for the duration of the school day. Also, pease refrain from using the Force to assist you in your studies. Many of the teachers will regard it as cheating.

Ahsoka *to Caleb* : This is such bullshit.

Caleb Dume: We'll see how long this school can last without Force shenanigans...

Math class

Teacher: Class, who can tell me how to take the derivative of 23x+57?

Class: *silence*

Teacher: Miss Tano, perhaps you Jedi studied calculus in that fancy academy of yours?

Ahsoka: Yeah, the answer is 23.

*Exactly 23 paperclips suddenly float up and attach themselve's in the teacher's hair*

Teacher: Ahsoka Tano! What is the meaning of this?!

Ahsoka: I didn't do it!

Teacher: Then who did?! You're the only Jedi in this class! It has to be you!!!

Ahsoka: Why would I want to be in trouble on my first d__

*The fire alarm goes off*

Teacher: Tano!!!

Ahsoka: That was also not me. I'm just here to get a diploma and get back to saving the galaxy.

Teacher: I'm watching you!!!


*Ahsoka pushed her rather unappetizing school lunch around on her tray*

Student: Hey, rations probably do taste better that this stuff, right?

Ahsoka: Yeah. At least with rations, you know there's no dirty laundry in them.

Student: There actually was a rumor a while ago that lunch lady Doris washed her stinky socks in the same water she cooked pasta in.

Ahsoka: Ew!!!

Student: Oh, where are my manners... I'm Alara, but everyone calls me Lara. I'm also new here. You're Ahsoka Tano, right?

Ahsoka: Yeah, that's me.

Alara: Hey, how about we ditch this place and go to Dex's for lunch. My treat.

Ahsoka: Are we allowed to do that?

Alara: Girl, are you not Anakin Skywalker's apprentice? Rules are made to be broken.

Ahsoka: You're right, let's go. Dex does make the best food on Coruscant.

Dex's Diner

Dex: How is my favorite Jedi's grand-Padawan today? And little Lara, always great to have you. Sit, sit.

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