Yandere Ichinose

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Making fun of the Yandere Ichinose trope (taking it to the extreme, ofc) because normal Ichinose trumps that thing. Go girl go!

P.s. Yandere Ichinose is an unreliable narrator. What she thinks is not necessarily what really happened.


Ichinose hummed a light tune to herself as she skipped down the hallway, her feet practically bouncing on the concrete.

Cradled carefully in her arms was a tray - a tray that held a bowl of vanilla ice cream alongside a pink plastic Hello Kitty spoon.

Her humming never ceased even as she slowed to a stop in front of a tall steel door. The sound of her shoes thumping on the concrete floor stopped temporarily as she slid her hand into her breast pocket to fish out her ID card.

With deft fingers, she swiftly tapped the flat side of the card against the scanner and-


A blink of green. Then-


The strawberry blonde's smile subconsciously widened.



"Kiyo-kun?" Ichinose's soft voice echoed inside the room, "I got you vanilla ice cream. Your favorite?"

The room was bare. So bare it could've even been mistaken for a standard, untouched dorm room... had it not been glaringly missing a window.

The lack of response did not dampen Ichinose's enthusiasm in the slightest.

"Don't want to talk? That's fine," the strawberry blonde maintained her smile as she stepped past the door and pushed it close, "You have to eat though, okay?"

She did not move from her spot until she heard the steel door shut heavily behind her.

Brown eyes devoid of emotions languidly moved up to meet blue ones, and Ichinose couldn't stop the heat that burst from her cheeks.

"Since you didn't touch your food last time... I figured you would at least not refuse ice cream!" she said cheerily as she neared the brown-haired boy, gently setting the tray on the table in front of the other and lifting the pink plastic spoon out of the bowl.

Her blue eyes turned pleading.

"Please eat a little this time? Even a bite will do!"

The brown-haired boy remained indifferent, unmoved - shackled to the chair and drugged to hell and back as he was.

There was a beat of silence before Ichinose sighed.

"... Maybe those sedatives were a few doses too heavy," she murmured, her voice laced with disappointment.

She pouted, her bottom lip jutting out.

"But... you understand, right Kiyo-kun? I couldn't have you leave me and..." her voice lowered, growing a touch more frantic, "run back to... her."

For just a split second, Ichinose's lips were pulled back into a snarl - a near-animalistic look that did not look the slightest bit natural on her usually beautiful face. A wild, crazed expression that fit her as well as a misplaced puzzle on an otherwise nearly solved puzzle set.

"They'll stop you eventually," the brown-haired boy's monotone voice slurred out, "You can't keep this up forever, Ichinose. The points..."

"... It's Honami. Honami," the strawberry blonde quickly smoothed out her disheveled appearance, her voice shaky with mixed excitement and anger, "Call me Honami, Kiyo-kun."

The brown-haired boy stopped talking, his gaze growing dull once more.

Ichinose clenched her fists, the pink plastic Hello Kitty spoon in her hold snapping into two.

"... Why?" She whispered, the sharp edges of the broken plastic spoon cutting into her skin and drawing blood, "Why do you..."

"Why can't you love me? Why... why are you so fixated on her?"

Her breaths grew heavy.

Her chest rose up and down more rapidly than before.

"What's so good about that bitch?" the strawberry blonde choked out, "You said you couldn't understand emotions, right? So what's the difference between me and her? Why... why her?!"

Ichinose yanked at her own hair, the broken plastic spoon falling from her grasp and landing pitifully on the floor, "I can be better, I can be way better than her as a lover - a teacher, whatever you want! So why-"

"-Why won't you choose me?" The strawberry blond practically wailed, her voice breaking as her hands moved to latch onto Ayanokouji's shoulders - her fingers digging into his skin.

Her nails dug so deep it drew blood.

Dazed blue eyes widened when she noticed the specks of red emerging from Ayanokouji's white shirt where her fingers and his shoulders connected.

"I... I..."

She couldn't form words.

She hadn't - she hadn't meant for things to come to this.

She just wanted his love. His attention. His affection.

Was that too much to ask for?

... It was all that Karuizawa's fault.

Always getting in her way, always in the way-

"She and I cannot coexist on the same Earth," Ichinose's hollow voice - foreign to even her own ears - rang out within the room.

Her words seemed to have finally caught Ayanokouji's attention, as for a split second something akin to comprehension glinted in the brown-haired boy's eyes.

A moment of lucidness despite all the sedatives pumped into his system - so much that even a full-grown man should've gone unconscious.

Yet just the merest mention of her possible demise could move him so?

That realization was akin to a bucket of cold water dumping on top of Ichinose, jolting her awake from her fantasy.

"Hah," she laughed, her voice growing more crazed by the second, "Haha... hah."

It should've been clear from the start. She should've known.

Of course Ayanokouji couldn't love her back, because even if he was not aware of his affection just yet - his heart had already been taken by the other blonde. That was a fact.

After all, there was a difference between being unable to identify one's emotions and not having any at all. Being unable to recognize them didn't mean his feelings didn't exist.

... But if she couldn't have him, then Karuizawa couldn't either.

She had already sacrificed so much in hopes of receiving his recognition... and look where it got her.

Her class's trust. Months after months of hardships they've gone through together, all for her to...

Her legs started moving on autopilot, taking her towards the mini kitchen.

She didn't regret it. She couldn't.

Not after she's come so far, done so much.

Shaky fingers wrapped around a chopping knife's handle.

If she couldn't have Ayanokouji... then no one can.

:> haha open ending go boom boom
You can imagine the rest as you please.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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