The First Day

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Esper stands on a stage in the auditorium of the school, taking a deep breath as a spotlight lands on her. Principal Bump sits in the front row and gives her a nod to signal her to start. Eda gave her a thumbs up in support from backstage, as did King and Luz.

She smirks before starting, "Hello, I am Esperanza Fox! Master of fire and student of the feared Owl Lady!"

The witchling forms a light blue circle with her finger, making vines with various flowers on them pop out from the ground. She then jumps forward and tucks down, rolling into a ball shape. She then stands back up and she forms several circles with her fingers, sending several powerful fireballs forward. The fireballs hit the vines, and as the flowers were lit on fire one by one starting from the bottom, they spelled out the word: Hexside.

She drops to one knee with her arms extended to fully present her audition to her potential new principal, "So... How'd I do?"

Principal Bump smiles, "Potential fire hazard aside...

Esper looked at him nervously but he continued to speak, "...I would like to welcome you to Hexside, Ms. Fox."

The redhead jumps up and down before facing him, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you so much, Principal Bump!" She shakes his hand quickly, "Oh! Uh, Principal Bump, I feel like I have to let you know this." She lowered her voice to a whisper, "So, uh, if you remember when Luz and I snuck into the school a while ago..."

He frowns, "Yes, I remember."

She continues to whisper, "Well, when you tried to cut Luz open, the knife you used kinda made me like.. Black out. It was weird, like it turned something on in my brain and I wasn't all there anymore. And then I saw a similar knife but it was like I was somewhere else completely in my own head? It's a little hard to explain."

The principal nodded in understanding, "Oh, I see. That IS rather peculiar... Hmm... Sometime after you get settled, I am going to have you meet with our Oracle Track Teacher, Mr. Prophettis, and our Illusionist Track Teacher, Mrs. Miragian. They should be able to help you with your visions. I will also be assigning you a student to look after you pick your track, if that is okay with you."

The redhead nodded, "It is! Thank you so much, Principal Bump."

The older man smiles at her, "Of course, it is what I'm here for. If you have any other problems, be sure to let me know and I will assist you in any way I can. Now you are free to leave."

Esper smiles before bowing and walking backwards. Her childhood friend was shoved into her, causing her to almost stumble to the floor. But the redhead giggled at this as she sensed that Luz was nervous by the way she was tugging at her cloak. She put a hand on her shoulder, "Hey... It's really not that bad. Luz, you'll be okay."

The human took a deep breath, "...You're right." She placed a hand on the one her friend put on her shoulder, "Thanks, Esper." She then jumps fully onto the stage in a dark cloak. Esper backs away next to Eda and King, all giving her thumbs up from backstage.

Luz speaks in a movie trailer narrator voice, "From the humblest of beginnings, a hero will rise." She then switches back to her normal voice, "I have traveled from another realm and trained with a powerful witch to master dark and forbidden magic. I am..." She throws her cloak off as she twirled, "Luz Noceda!" She announced to Principal Bump, who remained silent in the front row with his clipboard.

The human chuckles awkwardly, tosses confetti out of the fanny pack she is wearing, "Confetti!"

Principal Bump raises an eyebrow at her, "Right. The human that wants to be a witch. Against my better judgement, I've allowed you to take this exam into Hexside. But can you even do magic with all your... human parts?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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