Chapter 23: Astatine

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Content Warning: Brief mention of corpses

"Ghost Twins?" asked Thallios.

"Yes, people call us the Ghost Twins," said Luli, "because of how we look."

Thallios stared at the Luli and Lutian.

"White hair, red eyes," Luli elaborated. "Actually, your hair color is interesting too." She took a closer look at Thallios. "It's like the color of cinnamon."

Thallios gave her a look.

"Your eyes are interesting too. They're the color of honey..."

Thallios felt flustered.

" kind of look like a girl..."

Thallios' face flushed red.

"Ah, sorry, sorry," Luli said as she waved both of her hands. "You probably hear that a lot and are tired of it. Forgive me, I tend to say whatever comes to mind. Unlike Lutian here, who hardly speaks."

Lutian's eyebrow twitched as he frowned.

"'s interesting," Luli continued. "The other aura I see, the fiery one that's being should I say this...female?"

"My Amara."

Thallios shuddered at the random voice that just sounded in his head. He looked downward. Lutian glanced at him.

"So, other people call you the Ghost Twins?" asked Thallios, trying to change the subject. "Are there people who live nearby? This place seems pretty remote."

"Ah no," Luli replied. "We live alone in the marsh. People shun us."

"Because of...your appearance?"

"Yes..." Lutian suddenly murmured as he stared at the fireplace. His expression was solemn.

"You don't have any other family?" asked Thallios.

"Mother passed away many years ago," said Luli.

Thallios looked at both of them and thought about his own mother.

"When we were born, the people in her village thought she was cursed because she had twin babies with red eyes," said Luli. "Then when our hair grew in and it was white, the villagers completely shunned her. They said she would bring bad luck to everyone. She eventually left the village with us and we grew up here in the marsh."

"That's terrible...treating someone that way," said Thallios. "What about your father?"

"We never knew him and mother never mentioned him. The villagers said he probably wasn't even human. Maybe he was a spirit."

"Oh..." Thallios then thought of something else. "But, how are you able to see auras?"

"Oh, that! Haha, I don't know. I've always been able to see auras. Never gave much thought to it. When I was a kid, I thought everyone else could see them too."

"I've always been able to see things created from magic," said Lutian. "And the spirits that live in the woods."

"Mother dabbled in magic when she was younger," said Luli. "I suppose that's also why the villagers thought she was cursed."

Thallios thought about his own mother again. Though the circumstances were different, she had also been cursed in her own way. "Is it lonely, living by yourselves in the marsh?"

"It can be," Luli replied. "But in a way, we are more free. No one here to shun us or say bad things."

Thallios looked at them with sympathy.

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