Chapter 18 - One Leaves, Another Comes

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Bold: Time/Location
Italic: Character Thoughts/Internal Monologue
Underline: Author's Note(s)

IS Academy - Cecilia's POV

It had been over a day since I'd last seen James. To say that I was worried would be an inadequate description. I had checked in on his room to find it empty, but his possessions were still where he had left them. Since the staff were unavailable for the day, I wasn't able to ask them where he had gone. It wasn't like him to just disappear, even though he is a spy. With his absence, I spent the day disappointed and alone, taking care of some finances and wandering the city for some places of interest that I might invite James to visit with me. After a rather unpleasant sleep, I started the day and went to class, hoping I'd see him there.

My hopes were crushed when I saw his seat empty, but I reassured myself that he might simply be running late. I began to walk to my desk, but before I could reach it, I noticed that there was an unusually high amount of gossip among the students. "Hey have you all heard the latest rumor?" one of my peers asked us. "What, you mean about the IS from the other day?" another girl requested more information on what the first girl was asking. "Supposedly a machine that was still in testing went on a rampage." another answered that question. I knew enough to realize that it was just a cover story given that James and the people he works with were so interested in it. Before I could think any further on that matter, the first student spoke again "No that's not it, whoever wins the tournament this month gets to go on a date with Orimura!"

The gossip continued with various cries of excitement and denial, whereas I was simply curious so I decided to ask Ms. Shinonono if she knew of what they were speaking. I walked to her desk and said "So, do you know what it is that all these girls are so excited about?" "I have absolutely no idea whatsoever." Houki replied with a hint of anxiety and frustration in her voice as she turned to the group of students engaged in the trending topic. Since this was the first time I had seen her in a day, I decided to ask her about the boy I was worried sick for. "Do you happen to know where James is? I haven't seen him since the day of the attack." Houki turned back to me and answered with a look of curiosity "I haven't seen him since then either. I assumed you and him would be doing something yesterday." I nodded my head in denial as I turned red at her assumption, but before I could say anything, the sound of the door sliding open followed by Ichika's voice filled the room. "Good morning! What's with all the excitement?" he cheerfully asked with his left land on his hip while he stood in the doorway.

Most of my peers with the exception of Houki and I turned to him and answered "Um, no reason!" I watched him stand in the doorway, he was clearly confused about the gossip while I thought about if he knew of James' whereabouts. I then remembered that he mentioned to us that he was going to be visiting some friends outside the school, so I knew he wouldn't have seen James. Before he could get further involved with the conversation in the room, Ms. Orimura appeared behind him and shoved him forward into the class. "Get in your seat now. Homeroom is starting immediately." she firmly ordered us, and everyone rushed quickly to their seats. I nearly felt my heart stop when she announced that we'd be starting the day without James. As I walked to my desk, thoughts of worry and his potential banishment from the school filled my head.

While I silently panicked, Ms. Yamada stepped forward to address the class and enthusiastically said "Guess what class, we're about to meet yet another new transfer student!" and shifted her focus to the classroom door, which slid open as she finished her sentence. The usual gossip ensued and we directed our attention to the door, observing a shorter boy with long blond hair tied into a long pony tail enter the room. His IS academy uniform had been modified, styled like a coat with some large flaps in front of his collar where the uniform likely opened up. It looked almost exactly like Ichika's uniform. After various gasps from Ichika and some other girls, he stopped next to the stand which Ms. Yamada stood behind and observed us with his violet colored eyes and a warm smile on his face.

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