Hang Out at 3 am (Zax x Uzi)

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requested by mah bestie for life, Silver_Star- :3

third person POV:
Zax was just chilling in her room, staring into space while fidgeting with a random rock she found outside at one point, when her focus was ripped away from the very interesting ceiling and towards her door.


because someone was acting like they were trying to kick it down. it's 3 am, who the fUcK-

Zax rolls out of bed, letting herself fall on the ground, before standing up and walking towards her door, and opening it right in time to witness a foot coming right towards her face-

"fu-" Before Zax could finish her sentence, the foot makes contact with her screen, sending her flying into her wall. atleast it was the wall with nothing on it-
aside some posters

Zax sits there silently, her digital eyes blinking a few times with a 'blip blip' sound as a voice rings out. "shit- are you okay?!" Zax looks up to see Uzi quickly running towards her with a worried expression, yet she simply grins at her beloved girlfriend. "perfectly fine. you have quite strong legs."

Uzi crouches in front of Zax, awkwardly poking her screen. "I know, but your screens cracked..." "I'll be fine, I'll fix it up later. my question is, why are you banging on my door at 3 am?" Zax shakes her head, fixing her hair as she watches Uzi stand up. "I couldn't sleep." Uzi mumbles, crossing her arms as she shifts in place.

Zax stands up after, dusting herself off, then looking down at the shorter girl. "eh? again? that's the fifth time this week. I'm starting to think you just want to see me~" Zax responds, grinning down at Uzi - who swiftly pushes Zax away, a blush appearing on her visor.

"no I don't!-" Uzi tries to make a remark, yet, Zax easily has a comeback for it. Zax makes a pouting expression, before speaking; "awh, you don't want to see your girlfriend?" Uzi freezes in place, obviously caught off guard from Zax's words.

"I- I never said that...bite me!" Uzi turns away from Zax, who simply laughs at her girlfriend's despair. "I mean, if you want me t-" Uzi cuts Zax off, the blush on her screen growing worse. "if you finish that sentence, I'll kick you again."

Zax chuckles, but complies, instead wrapping her arms around the shirt purple haired individual in front of her. "fine, fine~ but it's 3...3:26 now, and I wanna sleep."

Uzi twists around in the hug to face Zax, reaching up to poke Zax's screen. "then sleep dumbass."

"but I wanna cuddle."




"you're no fun!"

Zax pouts at Uzi, trying to get her to give in and cuddle her. Uzi eventually sighs, leaning her head against Zax's chest. "fine.."

Zax's entire expression lights up and she cheers, to which Uzi quickly slaps a hand over her mouth to shut her up. "shh! people are sleeping-" Zax simply licks Uzi's hand to deter her.

Zax used lick! it was very effective-


Uzi stands still in shock, before wiping her hand on Zax's shirt, who simply laughs at her disgusted expression. "ew! ewewewewew-" Zax continues laughing at Uzi's repetitive 'ews', before dragging her to bed, laying on her back and pulling Uzi down.

"c'mere, I'm tired."

"we're robots, how do you get tired?"

"I dunno. because the author said so?"

"stop breaking the forth wall Zax."

"but it's fun :("



Zax pouts for the third time in a row, burying her face into Uzi's chest, which is a little weird at first considering their height difference, but she figures it out after a minute.

Zax yawns after a moment of silence, as Uzi sighs, running a hand through Zax's abnormally long hair. "go to sleep weirdo..." Uzi mumbles in a surprisingly soft voice, gently kissing Zax's forehead.

Zax giggles tiredly from the kiss, although soon after, her screen displays the words, "SLEEP MODE" on it with a few small Z's beside it.

Uzi smiles slightly when Zax falls asleep, curling closer to her insane ass girlfriend, before eventually falling asleep herself.

cue wakeup sequence, and Zax is somehow on the floor. again.

"Zax, stop falling off the bed when you wake up."

"I don't do it on purpose..."

"you sure?"


"thought so."

"you're fun to jumpscareeee-"



lmao, this was fun to write
just over 700 words or sumthin'

hope you enjoyed :3
if I made any mistakes, sorry, I'm sleep deprived as hell lol

make sure to eat and drink something
looking at you Sil
go eat or drink sumthin' if you're not/haven't.
love you :3 /p


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