JOURNAL #4: Self-Sufficient

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When I was in elementary, in order to get from home to school and vice versa, I only needed to take one ride. That's why I preferred to commute alone. Fortunately, nothing bad has ever happened to me during those times. These were my first experiences of being somehow independent, despite of complying with the instructions and precautions of my parents, of course. But even though I had the capability of doing it alone, I cannot do it on my own. Even though I can commute by myself, I cannot ride a jeepney if I don't have money. If I cannot sustain my independence, could I still say that I'm independent?

Until now, I am still dependent on my parents for my basic needs. I still need their guidance, their support, their backs. Financially and personally, I won't be able to maintain myself. But as I have grown and become tied to different experiences, realizations and perspectives, I have learned not to rely on anyone for some things that I believe I am solely responsible for. For instance, I don't need other people to tell me what I should do. I can maintain doing the tasks that I must accomplish on my own. I could study and do household chores without needing anyone's aid. My actions are also not dependent on anyone, because I am mature enough to act by myself and be liable for it.

I also choose not to interact with anyone when I'm feeling uneasy or disappointed because of something that I have caused or I am guilty of. I prefer to be alone, to assess myself on my own. I do not depend on other people for me to become better. I can sustain my need to alleviate the tension inside of me, because I know myself better than anyone else. In short, I can say that I'm self-sufficient with regards to how I react or feel, and on how I handle things about me internally.

Despite of being self-sufficient on some aspects, I can't deny the fact that I will always need other people, especially now that I am still an adolescent. Maybe in the future, when I will become a fully-functioning individual with the capacity to maintain my needs and decide on my own life, then I can say that I am self-sufficient. What I must do for now is to prepare and learn extensively on how to live and sustain myself independently, to grow and to develop more as a person, and to determine my approach towards the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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