Shattered Bonds: Geto's Farewell

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★Geto Suguru x  female | reader 2.0★

In the shadowed realm where curses and jujutsu intertwined, a once unbreakable bond between Geto, the rogue sorcerer, and [ Name], a powerhouse of Abyssal Entity, faced the tumultuous winds of change.

They were a trio of formidable sorcerers—Geto, Gojo, and [ Name]—a dynamic force that struck fear into the hearts of curses. [ Name], blessed with the power of Abyssal Entity, wielded a kaleidoscope of abilities, her very being adorned with crystalline armor, a testament to the Abyssal entity's protective embrace.

The day Geto turned rogue shattered the foundation of their camaraderie. No longer the inseparable trio, [ Name] felt the void left by her once close friend. Determined to understand the reasons behind Geto's choice, she embarked on a journey to seek him out, hoping for answers that could mend the fractured bonds.

The search led her to a desolate place, where shadows clung to every corner. There, amidst the stillness, she found Geto. The air crackled with unspoken tension as [ Name] confronted him, demanding an explanation that could bridge the chasm between them.

Halfway through their conversation, emotions surfaced like tempestuous waves. Tears welled in [ Name]'s eyes as she poured out the pain of betrayal, questioning Geto's motives. Geto, a stoic figure cloaked in the darkness of his choices, stood silent for a moment, absorbing the weight of [ Name]'s anguish.

Then, unexpectedly, he embraced her, a gesture that transcended words. His arms wrapped around [ Name], offering solace in the midst of emotional tempest. He gently stroked her back and caressed her head, a silent plea for her to find comfort in the warmth of their shared history.

As [ Name] struggled to compose herself, Geto began to unravel the truth behind his betrayal. He spoke of a love that tethered him to her, a connection that, paradoxically, demanded his departure for her safety. Geto, revealing the vulnerability beneath his hardened exterior, confessed that he couldn't bear the thought of [ Name] getting hurt or entangled in the chaos he had unleashed.

The confession hung in the air, a bittersweet revelation that intertwined their fates even as it severed the physical closeness. [ Name], torn between the pain of loss and the understanding of sacrifice, grappled with the complex emotions that swirled within her.

In that moment, amidst the ruins of their once unassailable friendship, [ Name] and Geto stood entwined in a farewell that echoed with the echoes of a love that dared not tread the perilous path of destruction. As shadows embraced them, the parting steps echoed with the remnants of a connection that defied the boundaries of right and wrong.


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