Shattered Bonds: Geto's Farewell 2.1

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★Geto Suguru x female | reader 2.1★

In the shadowed realm where curses and jujutsu intertwined, a once unbreakable bond between Geto, the rogue sorcerer, and [ Name], a powerhouse of Abyssal Entity, faced the tumultuous winds of change.

They were a trio of formidable sorcerers—Geto, Gojo, and [ Name]—a dynamic force that struck fear into the hearts of curses. [ Name], blessed with the power of Abyssal Entity, wielded a kaleidoscope of abilities, her very being adorned with crystalline armor, a testament to the Abyssal entity's protective embrace.

The day Geto turned rogue shattered the foundation of their camaraderie. No longer the inseparable trio, [ Name] felt the void left by her once close friend. Determined to understand the reasons behind Geto's choice, she embarked on a journey to seek him out, hoping for answers that could mend the fractured bonds.

The search led her to a desolate place, where shadows clung to every corner. There, amidst the stillness, she found Geto. The air crackled with unspoken tension as [ Name] confronted him, demanding an explanation that could bridge the chasm between them.

**[ Name]:** Geto, why? Why did you do this? We were a team, a family.

**Geto:** (silence hangs heavy, a stoic facade concealing tumultuous emotions)

**[ Name]:** (voice trembles) Say something, Geto. We need to understand. I need to understand.

**Geto:** (finally breaking the silence) [ Name], I didn't want to hurt you. I couldn't bear the thought of you getting caught in the crossfire.

**[ Name]:** Hurt me? You leaving hurt more than any curse ever could.

**Geto:** (hesitates) It's not that simple. There are things at play that go beyond what we imagined. I needed to do this for your sake.

**[ Name]:** (teary-eyed) For my sake? Geto, we faced everything together. Why leave now?

**Geto:** (softens) Because I love you. More than anything, and I couldn't let my actions jeopardize your safety. You mean too much to me.

**[ Name]:** (voice breaking) You think leaving keeps me safe? Losing you hurts more than any danger out there.

**Geto:** (approaches and gently embraces [ Name]) It's not that simple, [ Name]. There are forces at work that I can't control. Staying with me puts you in the line of fire.

**[ Name]:** (rests her head on Geto's shoulder) I'd rather face that fire with you than be left in the cold.

**Geto:** (softly) It's not that easy, love. Sometimes, the hardest choices are the ones that hurt the most.

As [ Name] leans into Geto's embrace, the unspoken understanding lingers in the air—a painful farewell wrapped in a love that defied the boundaries of safety and sacrifice. Shadows cloaked their shared history, leaving echoes of what once was, and what could never be again.


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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