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(Yes I will be using their names.)


Okay here we go.


This year is my first year at ACDS, and everyone has been pretty great, except for Brennan. 

Brennan is REALLY skinny, and she goes on and on about it. I remember specifically on our first or second day of school, in P.E we were playing Flag Football. We have these belts with little flags on them, and it's literally one size fits all. She came up to me and said, "Lily, can I please have your belt? Mine won't fit me because I'm really skinny." And then she went a fucking giggled. I gave it to her and she ran away.

Then a week later she started talking about her "boyfriend" and how she cheated on him, but didn't. I just sat there and stared. She told me not to believe anything people said about it. I was little concerned about the entire thing.

Now, this part has been reoccurring since the second week of school. So at random times she'll come up to me and say something is wrong with me. Like she would come up to me and say, "Lily, you have something on your face."


"Everywhere, oh, never mind its just your face." Like bitch I'm not fucking perfect. 

And just the other day, I had showed her the end of my book (Did I Say You Could Go), and one of the characters had tried to commit suicide. It was basically doing a recap, and this girl yells at me and says, "Lily, you can't show me this! Its really scary because I tried to do it! And its your fault everyone knows!" Except I didn't tell anyone. 

Let me explain:

So, Brennan was joking about how she was going to kill herself, and thank god I got over there when I did. I had to talk her out of it, or at least talking about it at school. She had made THREE people cry, wish I had to cheer up. And she said, "Lily, did you know that I had tried to do it? I took a knife up to my stomach but, my mom walked in." But here's the thing, she told everyone a different story.

And she keeps going "What would you do if I killed myself." And I'm always telling her don't do that.

It got so bad that a few of "our" friends had literal MENTAL BREAKDOWNS. And I went and told our head of school. She got mad at ME and told us it was just a JOKE.

End of explanation


And not only has she done that, she has told me to go kill myself. Like, while were in the bathroom, she went up to me and said, "Lily, you should kill yourself. Its not like anyone would care. You would be doing us all a favor."

So I ended up talking to 2 people about it, (who will be in later stories), and a few days after, she said this, "You're such a slut. And you're a whore. Plus you're the ugliest fatass I've ever seen."

I've never really thought of myself as FAT but a little overweight because I'm 120 pounds (54.4 kg), and the people over at my school are skinny. 

And so one of the people I've talked has told me to ghost her, which led to this. And then when I tried to be friendly it backlashed, so i don't know what to do.

Love y'all 


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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