Grow up

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„So what do we think so far?" Emily asked.

„We think that it's ten pm, we have eighteen hours left till the twenty fourth hour hits and we have nothing," I said sighing.

„Besides this letter," Spencer said walking in.

„What letter?" JJ asked.

„An UnSub sent a letter to the parents," he told us.

„Like a ransom demand?" Hotch asked.

„It's actually an apology letter. Explaining that the UnSub doesn't intend to hurt the kids, but won't give them back," Spencer said.

„That's," I started but didn't know what to say.

„Yeah," Emily agreed.

Garcia sent us all the letter to our tablets so we could read it in peace. I've read the letter ten times because I got distracted every time, I could not focus to save my life. And I had to save two.

We stayed at the station until two am before Hotch decided we couldn't work like that anymore and sent us to the hotel. The breakthroughs often happen when we focus on something else and our subconscious mind takes over the conscious one. That's what we hoped would happen this time.

I was sharing a room with Emily and JJ because supposedly there was a shortage of room. That's what Penelope said, but I'm not entirely convinced. I'm not complaining though, I don't really care. JJ was just in the shower so I had a chance to talk to my sister.

„What are you keeping from me?" I asked sitting on her bed.

„What? I'm not keeping anything from you," she said defensively.

„Ever since JJ spent the night at our place again, you've been so careful with what you say around me, like you're constantly on edge," I told her.

„I have?" She asked surprised.

„And you're answering a question with a question," I noticed.

„I am?" She asked and sighed smiling, „I am. But I'm not hiding anything."

„Then why do you have the same face you had when you microwaved my stuffed snake?" I asked, „The guilty face."

„That is just my face," she said fixing her face.

„What about picking your nails," I asked grabbing her hand so she wouldn't do that.

„I hate you," she said sighing.

„You don't. So what's up?" I asked.

„Look, I can't tell you. I mean it's not really my place and I didn't even wanna know in the first place," she said.

„Okay, but you're kinda scaring me now. Give me something at least," I told her.

„It's nothing to worry about. And it's not bad. You know I'd tell you. It's just something you can't hear from me," she explained.

I thought for a second and nodded, „Okay."

„Okay? So we're like, cool?" She checked.

„Of course," I smiled going back to my bed, „I trust you."

She smiled and I got in bed. By the time JJ got out of the shower I was already asleep. Or I was pretending to be. Tomato, tomahto. Next morning we were back at the station.

Everyone read the letter again and we shared our thoughts. Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing, so we were at least a little bit closer.

„So we're all thinking it's a team? Man and woman," I said.

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