Chapter 1 [Marcella]

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"Sebastian. Sebastian!" I called out to my personal assistant. He's never late, what happened today?

"Seb?" I called out as I started to walk to his office.

I opened the door. I should not have done that.

I found the worst scene I could ever see. Sebastian, my loyal assistant and a virgin for a sling as I knew, smooching a naked girl on his lap.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I know, as a good friend and a boss whose mental health is already weak, I should have just stayed quiet and left. But I just had to say that.

"Miss Marcus!" Seb yelled, pushing the woman off his lap. I couldn't hold it in. I doubled down with laughter. His reaction was hilarious.

The girl looked embarrassed. I finally collected myself and stood up, making eye contact with only him.

"The workplace is not for smooching naked."

"I'm sorry, Miss Marcus, she made me do it!" He directed his gaze to the girl, who was picking up her clothes.

"Justtt..... straighten up and get my latte." I rolled my eyes. 

"Miss?" The girl spoke up. "Sebbyy and me just got married and we couldn't get a honeymoon together because he used all his vacation time. We had to improvise!"

"That's what all this is about? Not fucking? Ok, Sebbby. Take a month off. Fully paid. I'll ask my accountant to send 100,000 dollars to your account for the honeymoon. Just..... don't do this in my company again."

"Miss..... this is too much! I cannot thank you enough! ThanK you!" Seb said, his eyes glinting with happiness.

"Yeah now get out." He started packing his stuff, with his fully clothed wife helping him. 

I turned around to leave, but I didn't. Instead, I turned back and asked him a question.

"Where do you get my daily Latte?"

"Oh, I get it at the shop at the end of the block. The name is Pretty Paradise." He beamed, his bag in one hand and the other holding his wife's.

"And Seb?" I said, gaining his attention.

"Use protection" I grinned, looking at his flushed face. Gosh this man is horny.

I trotted back to my office. Paperwork, paperwork and paperwork. All I have in schedule today. But before that, I desperately needed my Latte. My vanilla blueberry latte with cow's milk, a hint of lemon zest and a pinch of lavender extract, to help with my insomnia. An order like that is very unusual, so I pay a cafe extra to make it. 

I sighed and went downstairs. 

After coming down, I went to the garage. I opened the door to my car and got in. Then I started driving.

*few minutes later*

I'm fucking angry. That bitch in the car in front of me is going too slow, the ass in the car next to me doesn't give me space to switch lanes, the bitch behind me is honking my ears off, I wanna just crash into the car in front of me. 

I was on the high way for around 30 minutes. Then, I turned into a little alley. It was empty. Gosh, how I craved for an empty alley.

I was going down the alley when I spotted a sign that said "pretty paradise" ahh here it is.

I parked the car and got out. The scent of coffee and warm cake filled the air. This is going to be good. Maybe I'll get some treats? Some treats for pancake? 

I entered the small establishment. The walls were covered with beautiful blue paint. The bell jingled when I opened the door. All the tables were small and rounded, the chairs covered in soft, velvet cloth. I could live here.

I walked up to a counter labelled "orders". I deffo shouldn't have.

Some guy, I don't know. He was 4'8" or something. I might be wrong, but there was some serious height difference between us. I have a height difference with every one, being 6'4", but this guy was straight up tiny. He had soft, blonde curls and large, trusting eyes. They were.... I didn't know what colour his eyes were. One was a beautiful, soothing blue, a stark contrast to the fiery purple-pink in his other eye. Heterochromia. He was really skinny. If it weren't for the tag on him, I would've thought he was a child.

"Can I take your order, Ma'am?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper. But I could still hear it, considering that there were no other patrons present.

"Oh... uh, yes. I would like a vanilla blueberry latte with cow's milk, a little lemon's zest and a bit of lavender extract. Make it snappy." I replied, as sanely as I possibly could.

"Oh, are you coming in today in place of Sebastian?" He asked.

"Yes. Something like that." 

"Sebastian is a regular. He gets this custom latte every day at 10:00 AM for his loser boss. Nice guy though. He tips me an extra 10 bucks." He looked at me and noticed something."Oh..... you can sit right down anywhere you want. I'll get it to your table in a few minutes."


I sat down at a small table right next to the counter. Y'know, for reasons. From where I was, I could clearly see him whipping up my drink.

"So, tell me more about his loser boss. Does he rant about her?" I asked, in a pathetic attempt to make small talk.

"Oh, he rants about her all the time he's here. Those times, customers are not usually present, so I talk to him. He rants about how she should be diagnosed with some medication because she needs it, how she's always barking orders at him, how he does all the work and she is taking advantage of it. She sounds horrible."

He finished making my drink and came out from behind the counter to give it to me.

"Here you go. Anything else?"

"No, thank you." He turned around to leave, but then I called out.

"Hey! What's your name?"

He turned back and yellled "Stygian"

I quickly drank up my drink and walked to the counter he was at.

"Here to pay?" He asked. I noticed how his eyes were asymmetrical. It, for some reason, made him cuter.


"That'll be 15 dollars. Cash or card?"

I handed him a 20 bill and was about to walk out when I turned around and faced him.

"By the way, Stygian?" I asked.

He, putting the bill in the register, looked up and muttered a small "what?"

"I'm Sebastian's boss."

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