Chapter 6 [stygian]

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It's been a long time since she left.

How come she didn't text me?

Maybe she finally realised that I am not her type and is ghosting me.

Oh well, good for her.

I did get 2 calls from unknown numbers, but my mom told me to never pick calls from them unless they call 4 times.

That was the last thing she said.

I wondered about Marcella.


Her name is too long.

What about giving her a nickname ?

Marce? No. Sounds like Marge.

Margarita? Depends. Maybe if she drinks them.

Miss? No. Too formal.

I got it!

Marcy! It's perfect.

As I was sitting in my chair thinking of silly nicknames, the construction crew came in.

They're gonna expand the cafe to make room for more customers.

The biggest guy, Bob, came up to me.

"Are you the owner?" He asked. His voice was gruff and constipated.

"Yes." I literally squeaked. I couldn't help it! He was really intimidating, with all those muscles.

Then he went on to sit at the table i was sitting on and explain the construction plans to me.

"I just need you to sign here and we have a deal." He concluded, pushing a paper and a pen across the table to me.

I read all the terms and conditions carefully and finally signed with a pout. Don't blame me! It was too expensive!

Then the team started doing their work. Bob advised me to wear a hard hat, but I declined, because it was yellow and didn't go with my outfit.

My grave mistake.

The team would only work in the nights, so I had to stay there to supervise.

It's ok. The days I can sleep since the cafe is closed.

Then I saw a hammer.

I was reminded of Harley Quinn with her huge mallet. I wondered if i could swing it like her.

Maybe I can cosplay like her?

My mind was flooding with possibilities and excitement when I went to the hammer.

I picked it up with all my strength and held it over my head.

Why am i so dumb?

Suddenly, i began losing grip on it.

I began to lover it and it fell on my foot.

I screamed.

Then everything went black.

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