The Hope of Tomorrow

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I woke up the next morning to the sun pouring through the blinds into the room. I winced as I smiled to myself as I looked about the room. Sitting on the window sill were several cases of flowers, get-well balloons and a couple of stuffed animals. I wondered who they were from but I kinda had a feeling there was at least a vase or two from John.

Chelsea Chloe,Megan, Hailey and Jade. How I missed my girls. We haven't been able to keep in touch with all of us going on with our separate lives. I didn't think they knew I was here or what was going on with Owen and I but it wasn't like I could tell them what was going on thanks to that miserable…jackass. I'm not one to swear or think about swearing but he has caused me so much pain and anguish I have no other words to describe him.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when there was a knock on the door. Matt walked through the door with four very attractive guys behind him. They were cute and as much as I wanted to talk to them of course I couldn't. It made me so mad I could imagine myself screaming as my hair flew everywhere.

‘Who are these guys?’ I thought as I pointed to my notebook, laying next to the pen on the nightstand. I sighed as I looked amongst the men in annoyance.

“Autumn, this is Alex Jordan, Jack Burke, Ryan Watson and Zack McGrath” Matt introduced. Matt walked over and grabbed my notebook and handed it to me as I began writing.

“Hi guys, it's nice to meet all of you,” I wrote. I glared at Matt as I wrote.  “We'll talk later” I blew the strands of hair out of my face in annoyance as Matt laughed and the four guys behind him looked at me awkwardly.
“Okay then” Matt continued to laugh.

“She's got spunk” Alex laughed as he turned to look at his bandmates. One in particular wouldn't leave his eyes from me, making me feel like I was naked. I pulled the hospital blanket up, covering my chest and stomach.I was fully clothed in the hospital gown but I didn't trust it. The guy named Alex looked behind him at his tall lanky friend, whispering something. He nodded as he pulled his eyes away from me finally.

“It's nice to meet you,” said Ryan as Zack nodded.

“Likewise” he spoke as I looked back at Jack as Alex hit him on the back of the headache walked over and sat at the foot of my hospital bed.

“I'm glad you're okay. Matt was telling a little about you and when he told us we couldn't meet you, we decided to come visit you. I hope that was okay?” Jack asked as I looked up at the guys. They smiled at me before I looked at Jack. He was sitting there looking like a lost puppy dog, waiting for me to give him a command. I laughed, shaking slightly to avoid the pain in my neck.

“What's so funny?” Matt asked as I wrote in my notebook and made the “come here” motion. Matt walked over as I wrote in my notebook and looked over my shoulder.
“Is he alright? It's like he's a lost puppy dog, waiting to be told a command?” I looked up Matt, then looked over at Jack.

“Yeah, that's just Jack,”Matt whispered quietly in my ear. I nodded. “When he's at a loss. He stays close but not where he's over bearing. “Trust me. He means all good intent. He's a loveable goofball when you get to know him” I looked up, slightly, letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. Jack reached up, grabbing my hand as I felt the eyes of his bandmates watching us. I looked at Jack smiling, wincing a bit as he looked startled a bit.

“Thank you, Jack. I’m glad I'm okay. If it wasn’t for John I probably wouldn't be here” I wrote, pushing it towards him. I watched him nod as he gave me a soft smile. God, I can’t do this, not right now. I can’t be crushing on someone. Get it together Autumn.I frowned, closing my eyes as I leaned back onto my pillows.

“Here, let me adjust them for you” said Alex as he walked over and straightened them out for me. I gave him a slight smile in appreciation. How was I going to do this the whole time? I couldn’t communicate with anybody. If I ever wanted to move on I couldn’t for a while. How was this going to last? I grabbed my notebook, looking up at Jack through my eyelashes as I wrote to him, looking down briefly before pushing it with my knuckles towards him. He looked up at me, tilting his head.

“What do you guys do for fun? I had written as Jack took the notebook, waving the guys over to the bed as they read over Jack’s shoulder.

“We love to perform, play video games, watch the Baltimore Ravens, have parties, hangout, go swimming. All sorts of stuff. Zack likes to skateboard along with Alex and Ryan. Zack takes photos, surfs, runs, and exercises. I like to watch movies, write with Alex, play my guitar, go to parties” said Jack as he wrote what he talked about. “What do you like to do for sun, Autumn?”

“I like to take photographs, draw, write, and listen to music. It’s a good thing that only my left arm is broken  or I wouldn’t be able to talk to you lovely people” I wrote, pushing the notebook back to him.

“Hey” Jack laughed. “Is that sarcasm?” I smirked and nodded. The rest of the guys laughed as Matt cut in.

“I walked to John and he said, “ when the doctors release you, you’re coming back to Maryland with us. Tour is  going to be postponed until you’re finally able to walk without a cast and take photos. Our tour bus isn’t able to get a wheelchair on it… what I mean it’s not handicapped accessible. It doesn’t have a ramp but we would rather you rest as much as you can before we go on tour and so you will be able to have your mobility back. John and your parents went with the police  to collect some of your stuff. The rest was trashed by Owen” said Matt.

“Okay” I wrote. “Thank you, Matt”  I pushed it back to Jack.

“She said, “ Thank you, Matt” Jack read as he looked back at me. I caught his chocolate brown eyes as she sparkled. You got spunk, yourself Jack Burke. Alex, Ryan and Zack huddled around my hospital bed as they chatted and answered questions.I pulled my eyes away from his, looking away as I still felt his eyes burning into the side of my face.
“Man, the tour is going to be awesome!” said Zack as Alex looked over at him.

“What’s your favorite movie?” Jack asked, taking my notebook and writing down his answer.

“Which season?” I wrote. He pushed the notebook down, saw my answer and laughed.

“Autumn” He snickered, causing me to smirk.
Oh how I wish I could laugh. Damn it, Owen!

“Halloween, Rocky Horror, picture show, Nightmare Before Christmas, Trick r’ Treat. Friday the 13th. Nightmare On Elm Street, Little Shop of Horrors” I wrote as Alex smiled.

“Sweet! A horror fan! We can have a movie marathon!” said Alex as Jack joined in, excitedly.

“Yeah!” Jack shouted. “Let’s have a sleepover, girls!” The guys laughed as a nurse popped her head in.

“Can you all keep it down? We have a few patients that are needing their peace” she asked rudely.

“Yes, ma’am” Matt said, grumbling about rude old women as he crossed his arms across his chest.

“Do you like Home Alone?” Jack asked as I nodded with a smile, wincing in pain. I hit my call button as the nurse came through the intercom, clearly irritated.


“Ms. Blackwood needs her medicine,” said Ryan.

“We’ll be right there,” she said. I yawned as I buried my face in clean linen on my pillow.
“Do you want us to go so you can sleep?” Zack asked. I shook my head slightly, feeling light headed.

“I love having you guys here. Please stay?” I wrote in my notepad. I reached out to Jack as he grasped my hand, looking back at the guys. Matt looked at the guys around my room, motioning them to step out. I frowned as I looked at Jack not wanting him to leave. I didn’t want to be alone, Owen might come back and who was going to protect me then?

“Jack, come on!” Matt shouted as Jack looked back at me.

“I’ll be back, I promise” he said, letting go of my hand and walked out into the hall as the loud sound of the door shutting echoed throughout the room. Tears ran down my face as I stared out the open window. The cool air blew into the room, bringing in the smell of Autumn leaves, fresh mowed grass and the hope of tomorrow.

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