Down Memory Lane

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Chapter 4: Jack

The nurse walked past us as we all stood out in the hall. Matt leaned against the railing, his arm across his chest,  just outside Autumn's room as he looked around at the four of us. I watched as the call light went off above us for Autumn's room as the exhausted nurse went running to Autumn's room with a frantic look on her face. Matt started before we all had a chance to talk. 

"What do you guys think?" he asked. 

"I don't mind staying" said Alex. He smiled, showing off his white teeth. 

"Yeah, she's a lot of fun," I said, looking amongst my friends. I stuck my hands in my pockets

"She's a riot" Zack, smirked. 

"Okay, we'll stay a bit longer," said Matt as we walked back inside Autumn's room. The nurse turned as she was pushing something through the syringe into Autumn's IV. She must have heard us walking into the room since she turned to look at us. 

"We want to keep Autumn a week for observation and if it's okay then the doctor will sign her off to go home" she said as Autumn looked over and slightly smiled. She pointed to her notepad beside her as she was trying to sit up. The nurse walked over to the other side of her and grabbed under her right arm, helping Autumn sit up. "She's wanting to go home now and she has an urge of wanting to get better so maybe sooner. 

“Okay” said Matt, nodding his head. Autumn sighed in frustration as she looked back out the window. Autumn rolled her eyes as the nurse droned on about  what she can or can’t do. It wasn’t until the nurse kept repeating Autumn’s name that she finally started paying attention. Autumn glanced over at the nurse as she repeated herself again. 

“Autumn, no jumping around. No horseplay, no intercourse. Just no physical activity for six to  twelve week” the nurse explained.

“Okay, I think Autumn is getting tired now, so we’re all need to go leave” Matt’s voice was strict and right to the point. He was one no one wanted to mess with when he meant business. I didn’t want to go but Matt was our boss when we were out on tour or on business.

“How’s your vocal chords?” I heard the nurse ask as we all turned back around to look at Autumn.  I watched her intently as she was writing and held up the notebook. The nurse walked closer looking into the notebook. “It’s a little sore,” the nurse said out loud. “Can you speak?”  she continued to ask Autumn questions. 

Autumn shook her head no. Disappointed, I turned around and walked right back out of the hospital room. I waited by the door as the guys came out one by one. Alex looked up at me, raising a brow. I shook my head, not wanting to talk. Thank god, Alex didn’t push it. I wished like hell that Autumn could talk. I wanted to hear her voice and I knew it wasn’t her fault. It was that…psycho husband of hers. I followed the guys to the elevator and stood there waiting with them when Matt and Alex turned to look at me.

“What the hell was that about?” Matt asked.

“Really, Jack. You have never acted like that unless someone has broken your heart. Have you met Autumn before?” Alex asked, raising one of his big eyebrows. 

“No,” I said, looking away from Alex.

“Jack, you’re doing that thing” Alex called me out as Matt stayed out of it, leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face. 

“What thing?” I asked lamely, knowing perfectly well what he was talking about. I looked down at the ground in shame. 

“The thing where when you lie you look everywhere but the person you’re talking to. Why do you do that?” Alex asked. “How do you know Autumn?” he asked. I sighed, thinking back to the night I had met Autumn, 

“It was the night of Alex’s birthday when we all went out to the bar. I had just broken up with my girlfriend of 2 years, Harley. I was so torn up about it that the guys had decided to get me out of the house and go to this bar named Afterglow Lounge. The inside of the lounge was lit up with neon lights and had a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. On one side of the lounge was a wrap around bar sent with black granite with metal trim. The barstools were black leather with metal legs. At the back of the lounge were neon colored doors that led to the bathrooms while the walls of the lounge were painted black” I explained as they all listened intently.

“I was sitting on a barstool with my arms up on the bartop, drinking a bottle of beer when a black headed woman came up to the bar with her friend in tow. They were both gorgeous but there was something about the black haired girl that had caught my eye. She looked at me with her bright green eyes and I hadn’t forgotten about them since”

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I will be eventually” I frowned, taking a drink from the brown glass bottle.

“I’m here with five of my friends, you’re more than welcome to join us?” she offered. I pointed to my three friends dancing with their girlfriends out on the dancefloor before turning back to her. “Come on” she smiled, grabbing my hand, leading me off the barstool and led me to her table.

“Autumn, who’s this hotstuff?” one of her friends asked.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name?” Autumn turned to me, smiling. 

“I’m Jack” I smiled, enjoying their company. 

“I’m Autumn, this is Chelsea Chloe,Megan, Hailey and Jade” Autumn introduced. 

“It’s nice to meet you,” Hailey flirted. Autumn rolled her eyes in annoyance as she took a seat with her bottle of pink liquid. I think it was a wine cooler from the way it looked. 

“It’s nice to meet you lovely ladies” I said, flirtatiously. “What are you fine ladies doing here by yourself?” I asked

“Our friend Jade here is getting married next week so we’re having one last hoorah” said Chloe as she lifted her martini glass to her lips.

“Autumn here though is being a debbie downer” Jade frowned. 

“I think she needs to go get laid” Chloe laughed, wickedly. 

“I’m fine, thank you” Autumn said, angrily. 

“Honey, if you were fine, you wouldn’t be so bitter right now” Megan jumped in. 

“I’m not bitter” Autumn scoffed. 

“Then go dance with Jack, unless you’re chicken” Jade smirked.

“I’m not…” Autumn trailed off getting up from her seat, accidentally spilling alcohol on her friends as she came around, grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dancefloor. 

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