~ The Summon ~

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It had been three days since that first night of our arrangement.

As Giovanni had told me, a nice-looking female doctor had stopped by. While she was pleasant and smiled throughout, getting her to say much was impossible while she worked on me with cold, robotic hands.

She checked me for infections—telling me what I already knew about being clean—and injecting me with a short-acting contraceptive that'd last the duration of our arrangement.

When she was done with me, I tried to discreetly ask about Giovanni's sexual health. All she would give me in her halting English was that he was clean.

After the doctor's visit and the green light to have unprotected sex, it seemed Giovanni's sex drive became insatiable.

We had sex all through the night and again the next night when he returned from wherever he went in the daytime.

As usual, after we both came, he'd get up, clean himself up and leave me be. Any form of intimacy we had during sex diffused quickly.

He'd leave me for the night with a harsh remark that would get my blood boiling. His words were brutal, but I was slowly getting used to the harshness.

Don't lie to yourself. You're not getting used to anything. His jabs and snide remarks hurt you every time.

I hissed at the stinging words in my subconscious.

It didn't matter. At least I hadn't seen him today, and I hoped and prayed with every fiber of my being that he wouldn't want sex today.

I knew not to get my hopes up on that front because it was just afternoon, and there was still plenty of time for Giovanni to do whatever he wanted should he come home.

The flapping of a bird's wing overhead brought me back to the present.

It was a pleasant day outside, and instead of being cooped up in my room, I was walking the expansive garden, shooting the breeze with Mrs. Jacques as my guide. In the past few days, I had established an easy friendship with the enthusiastic older woman and a few other servants that worked in the mansion. Considering they were the only ones left when Giovanni wasn't around—I wasn't counting the pair of beefy bodyguards Giovanni had sicced on me for quote-unquote my protection. As if it wasn't him I needed protection from—I had to befriend someone, or the loneliness would drive me crazy.

I took a bite from the green apple in my hand. Mrs. Jacques had let me pick it off a low-hanging branch on the tree we had just passed.

"I've been meaning to ask," she started, picking on a frill in her black and white dress. "But I've been so busy."

"Ask what?"

"About Master Enrico."

I stiffened. This was not a topic I thought she'd be curious about. I didn't want to talk to Caroline about Giovanni. I didn't want to talk about Giovanni, period.

But before I could open my mouth to tell her these things, she was firing questions at me.

"Where did you two meet? What is your relationship like? I mean, I know the reason you're here now," she stopped long enough to draw breath and shoot me a wink which made my cheeks go red and hot. "But I also know that he didn't pick you up from the streets or a club like you're some cheap hooker. You have class, and I guess I was just wondering how you two to met."

I laughed at her compliment. "Why would you say that?"

Caroline wore a grin that lit up her blue eyes in the afternoon sun. "I might be old, my dear, but I'm not blind. I can see you and the master have some chemistry like you know each other already.

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