Tara gone missing

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                   Author's pov

“But…” before Tara could say any further, Dhruv silenced her by gently placing his lips on her forehead in a tender and reassuring kiss. The intimate gesture caught Tara by surprise, her words catching in her throat as she gazed up at him with wide questioning eyes.

Dhruv's expression was serious yet filled with an unmistakable tenderness reserved only for her. “Your worries are mine to share , my love, know that you do not need to shoulder them alone," he murmured, his voice a low, soothing rumble.

Tara felt her apprehensions begin to melt away, comforted by the warmth of Dhruv's embrace and the depth of emotion shining in his eyes. "Dhruv..." she breathed, leaning instinctively into his solid frame.

He cupped her face with his calloused hands, calming thumbs tracing her delicate features. "I know you worry for our future , people’s reaction to our relationship and your fear is reasonable ," Dhruv continued, his words laced with understanding. "But know that you have become my light that guides me through the darkness which has engulfed me for years and not at any price I'm gonna lose it ."

A single tear traced its way down Tara's cheek as she allowed herself to become lost in the sincerity of his gaze. "I cannot escape the feeling that a great storm looms on the horizon, threatening all that we hold dear," she confessed in a tremulous whisper.

Dhruv's arms tightened around her, enveloping her in a protective cocoon. "Then we shall weather that storm together, as we should as the king and future queen of Vijaygarh," he spoke determinedly . "Our love, our family, our kingdom - none shall be lost, for I will fight with every breath for our future."

Reassured by his steadfast promise, Tara melted into his embrace, drawing strength from the unwavering man she loved so fiercely. Whatever trials awaited, they would face them as one, two hearts beating in perfect synchronicity.

They didn't even realize when sleep engulfed them . In each other's arms they found the peace which was missing from their life , as only the garden and the moon stood as their witness.

Dhruv's peaceful slumber is broken by the crippling of the birds . He woke up to feel a weight on his chest and a smile eventually broke on his lips as he saw his love , his tara sleeping peacefully  hugging him . Only he knows how much he wishes to see this scene everyday in his room . 

Shaking off his not so innocent imagination , he finally decided to get out of the garden. Not wanting to disturb Tara's slumber he carefully carried her in his arm and walked towards Tara's chamber , as expected the corridor was vacant as it was really early in the morning.

As he approached Tara's chambers, Rekha  emerged with a look of relief upon seeing them. “Pranam ranasa ," she whispered, greeting him. "I was just about to raise the alarm."

"All is well, Rekha," Dhruv murmured, his tone soothing. “ Tara simply required some time away from the festivities. She is unharmed."

Rekha nodded in understanding, her gaze flickering to Tara's peaceful countenance. Without another word, she swiftly moved to prepare the bedchamber, pulling back the silken sheets in anticipation of Dhruv's arrival.

With infinite tenderness, Dhruv lowered Tara onto the plush bedding, his fingers lingering for a moment to brush away a stray lock of hair from her face. Even in sleep, she was a vision of ethereal beauty, her features softened by the gentle caress of slumber.

Rekha remained a silent sentinel, her eyes shining with an unspoken understanding of the profound bond that tethered her lady to the man who stood watch over her. With a respectful nod, she slipped from the chamber, leaving Dhruv alone with his beloved.

For several long moments, Dhruv simply gazed upon Tara, committing every detail of her to memory – the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the way her lashes fanned across her cheeks, and the curve of her lips that seemed to hold the promise of a secret smile.

Finally, with a reluctant sigh, he tore himself away, his footsteps heavy as he made his way to the door. But before departing, he cast one final, lingering glance over his shoulder, a silent vow to forever stand as her protector, her guardian against the storms that threatened to rage beyond the palace walls.

The following morning, the palace grounds buzzed with activity as the visiting king , princes , princess and their entourages prepared to depart for their respective kingdoms. One by one, Dhruv bid them farewell, exchanging cordial well-wishes and promises of future gatherings.

Only king Amar and his wife rani devika remain there as Dhruv requested them to  stay there for a while longer and king amar agreed as he also want to spend sometime  with dhruv and he was really curious about this girl named tara as his wife has written letters to him in last month in which she only talked about Tara .

After spending some time with Tara in her chambers, Dhruv made his way to the practice yards, seeking solace in the familiar dance of swordplay. As he moved through the intricate stances and maneuvers, his blade slicing through the air with lethal precision, he could momentarily set aside the weight of his concerns over his relationship with Tara. So immersed was he in his training that he did not immediately notice King Amar's approach. It was only when the older ruler cleared his throat that Dhruv paused mid-strike, chest heaving with exertion, and turned to face his unexpected spectator, sweat glistening on his brow.

"Well struck, dhruv ," King Amar praised, a hint of fatherly pride in his gruff voice as he observed Dhruv's mastery of the blade. However, his gaze soon fell upon the golden trishul and rudraksh pendant that hung from Dhruv's neck, glinting with each of the young man's powerful movements. A slight crease appeared on the elder king's brow as he studied the distinctive jewelry. Dhruv noticed his uncle's scrutiny and unconsciously gripped the pendant, its weight seeming to grow heavier against his palm. 

After a tense moment, King Amar spoke again. "That is an...intriguing ornament you wear. Might I have a closer look?" he requested, extending his hand. Dhruv hesitated, protective instincts warring with his respect for his elder, before finally acquiescing with a nod and removing the pendant to place it in Amar's weathered palm.

King Amar turned the pendant over in his calloused hands, examining the intricate carvings and metalwork with an intense, unreadable expression. After a weighty silence, he spoke in a low rumble, "Where did you acquire this, Dhruv?" The seemingly innocuous question sent a tremor of unease through the younger man, though he could not fathom its source.

 Reflexively, his eyes flickered towards the palace . "It was...a gift. From Tara," he replied, willing his voice to remain steady under his uncle's inscrutable gaze. Amar's mouth tightened fractionally before he gave an abrupt nod. Any further inquiry was curtailed by the hurried approach of one of the palace guards. With a respectful bow, the soldier announced, "Forgive the intrusion, Your Majesty, but there is an emergency. Tara baisa seems to have gone missing from the palace temple."

Dhruv felt as if the ground had slipped from beneath his feet at the soldier's words. His throat constricted as fear gripped him, visions of Tara lying hurt or worse flashing through his mind. In an instant, his calm demeanor shattered, replaced by the commanding presence of a man prepared to unleash his wrath upon any who threatened his beloved. "Speak!" he barked at the guard, his voice booming with a dominance that brooked no argument. "When was she last seen? Who was with her? I want every man to search immediately!" The soldier shrank back slightly at Dhruv's imposing fury but quickly relayed what little he knew of the situation. Dhruv's jaw clenched as he processed the scant details, his eyes cutting towards his uncle in a silent plea for counsel. King Amar's expression was equally grave, appearing shaken by this alarming development.


Hi guys,
wish you are doing well,

I'm sooo...... Sorry for leaving the story but know that i didn't mean it at all . I was really busy with my college and other work at first and when i thought to continue the story i forgot the plot😅 . So i decided to read it from start and i concluded that the story has alot of plot whole and grammatical mistakes , so , here by i announce the this story will be under heavy editing but only after i publish rest of the chapters.

Take care , stay hydrated
bye bye 🥰

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