Because of You

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I didn't want it to end before it even started properly.

I didn't want to lose him.

I was wondering like crazy what was going on between him and Oden.

But not being able to see him again made me even crazier.

The school term was over, school was on holiday, Zee's sports center was closed for renovations.

I wouldn't be able to go to swimming lessons or see Zee.

This was tearing me apart.

It had been two days since we had a fight in his office, but those two days felt like years.

Apart from fighting my thoughts for 2 days, I listened to my mother's thousands of words about how I should start applying for college. Nat said he was in the same situation, so we really needed to get started on this.

We decided to meet with him to clear our minds a bit and talk about these issues. I put on a burgundy t-shirt, black denim jacket and the same color trousers, fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror.

As time passed, I felt like I had matured and grown even more.

In order not to linger any longer, I left the house and walked towards Nat's house, and he was busy tying his shoelaces at the door. "Let's go, buddy."

Nat and I went into a coffee shop and sat down. It was a nice, newly opened place. We took our coffee and went to the table.

"Dude, why are you looking so sad? Look, I know families are like this, but now we really need to fill out these documents and apply."

I looked at Nat, who was hugging his coffee and trying to comfort me.

"It's not like that, actually."

"What happened, dude!" he said in surprise.

"Of course, that's why I was stressed, but other than that, I don't know..."

I was undecided whether to tell or not, but I was going to die not telling anyone anything.

"Dude, look, if you want to tell me, I'm always here."

He reached out and took my hand. I smiled and held his hand.

"Actually, this is what happened..."

I started explaining everything, Nat was getting shock after shock. Sometimes I laughed at his reactions. I had a very funny close friend. After explaining everything in one fell swoop, I looked at him.

"What are you going through, bro? I think I have problems but yours are very..."

I laughed at what he said.

"So what do you say about the last incident?" My face fell again.

"Honestly, you must have noticed that while you were telling it, you upset that man a little."

I nodded, I was really being childish, but it was all because I loved him.

"Yes, but he needs to understand me too. How long can I wonder what's going on between them..."

"I'm sure you'll meet somehow and talk about everything and resolve it."

After our time chatting with Nat, we turned on our computers and applied to a few universities of our choice. Fortunately, sharing this issue with him and then applying together took away my mental fatigue.

But I wasn't going to let this matter go, so I took the phone in my hand to reach Zee and called him.

It wasn't opening, it wasn't opening...

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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