Villians Grin

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"Hahahaha" actor burst out laughing.

"The tin can even thought I was Dark." He grinned mischievously. "Oh how perfect. The septics will come to save the day, get terribly hurt trying to save their family and I will come to the rescue saving them from the horrible beast. Oh what a match made in heaven." Actor then got an idea. "Well I should tell of our guests arrival."

Actor walked over to the intercom. "Well hello my caged pets."

"Fook off Actor! We will get out of here and when I do I am going to slit your throat!" Anti yelled.

"Uncle Anti your throat is bleeding again." Sammy piped in

"Oh don't worry about that dear. It will get worse when I tell your uncle who is on the way." Actor sang

"What? What did you do you bastard!" Anti seethed

"My calm down. I just invited a few guests to see my performance. Besides figured the kid might have wanted to see his Dad." Actor could hear the flow of cuss words Anti screamed at him. "Now now Anti be a good role model for the child." This just made Anti pound on the glass desperately trying to vent his frustration. Actor just smiled at this. Seeing his plan come into action. How perfect his performance  would be. If only the whole world was watching. Well he didn't have to worry about an audience for long. After defeating his nemesis, well Mark always had his channel. He was already too sure that Mark's audience would love himself even more. Actor just sat and waited. He needed Anti to be scared. Without his role it would be much harder to play the Hero. No the septics had to see pure terror in Anti but the septics definitely won't know the real reason why.

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