Gatao (角頭)

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August 2015

Tanghao spent the next month recording a rap as a main theme song for an upcoming film staring famed singer Alien Huang as Xiong, a ruthless gangster who was released from prison only to find a rival gang of his threatening his little empire he built. There are fights, blood, violence, and some romance thrown in. Tanghao 's job was the create a badass rap meant to get the people for the movie. The Dragon came back in big fashion showcasing his ever exceptional flow with a tinge of aggression thrown in. The whole time Feifei was there supporting her beloved boyfriend. She congratulated him in the end of the recording

It's not hooliganism, it's taking of my brothers
I'm not a bad guy, it's dark justice
用暴力 維持江湖道義
Using violence to uphold our code of honour
不用怕 出事情我罩你
Don't be afraid, I'll cover you if anything goes wrong

大尾 誰人 甲我比
Who's challenging me
不爽 托賭 釘孤枝
Come fight if you're unhappy
現在 請你 吃子彈
Gonna treat you to some bullets
做兄弟 麥驚死
As brothers, we're not afraid of death

做兄弟 要有勇氣
做兄弟 要有勇氣
今天公祭 明天忘記
Ceremonies today, forget them all tomorrow
我有殺氣 為了利益
I've got the killer vibes, for our privileges
我下地獄 為了義氣
I go to hell, in the name of brotherhood

I'm a beast
Haters better let low
Haters better let low
My devilish red eyes scared even the ghosts
Haters better let go 由我掌控
Haters better let go, I'm in control
I don't play I kill hun
I don't play I kill hun

This is a song for the ladies
Brothers,we fight all our lives
This is a song for the ladies
We fight to live

拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 我最有教小
Limpeh, I'm the boss of the streets, I'm the one calling the shots

Who dares to come near to my territory
Scaredy cats who are afraid of death, don't try to pick a fight
Don't be a loser and report on others behind their backs
Retribution will go to those who change their alliance easily

我的人生 半夢半醒
Im half awake half dreaming my whole life
睜開裝雙眼 就在較勁
I fight the moment I open my eyes
這場戰爭 沒有僥倖
There's no luck in this fight
Better be careful of your every move

做兄弟 麥驚死
As brothers, we're not afraid of death
驚死 你就 出代誌
You'll be in trouble if you're afraid of death
做兄弟 麥驚死
As brothers, we're not afraid of death
驚死 你就 吃子彈
You'll be eating bullets if you're afraid of death

要做兄弟 要有勇氣
As brothers, we must be brave
今天公祭 明天忘記
Ceremonies today, forget them all tomorrow
我有殺氣 為了利益
I've got the killer vibes, for our privileges
我下地獄 為了義氣
I go to hell, in the name of brotherhood

I'm a beast
Haters better let low
Haters better let low
My devilish red eyes scared even the ghosts
Haters better let go 由我掌控
Haters better let go, I'm in control
I don't play i kill hun
I don't play I kill hun

This is a song for the ladies
Brothers,we fight all our lives
This is a song for the ladies
We fight to live

拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 我最有教小
Limpeh, I'm the boss of the streets, I'm the one calling the shots

This is a song for the ladies
Brothers,we fight all our lives
This is a song for the ladies
We fight to live

拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 我最有教小
Limpeh, I'm the boss of the streets, I'm the one calling the shots

拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 角頭
Limpeh (gangster's way of referring to oneself), I'm the boss of the streets
拎北 我是角頭 我最有教小
Limpeh, I'm the boss of the streets, I'm the one calling the shots
Music end

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