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Author POV


Please yeowang"

She heard his cracking voice , cheeks red and eyes teary due to the pain he was receiving from all these days but couldn't free himself as this a woman who was wounded, didn't let him go.

She didn't forgive him for the torture he performed on her and her unborn baby, he was his only blood. Sometimes she used to think it was his dirty blood but being a mother she was also responsible for his nurturing so at the end that baby was her only.

He cried loudly, only to manipulate the woman who was sitting in front of him, even in this state he didn't forget his tactics which he used at the woman to make them regret their decision of meeting such a misogynistic man.

Who never once respected the woman of his life, the one he married was like a toy to him which he played and destroyed well enough, without thinking what kind of pressure she must be feeling about herself.

How was she enduring such things?

How did she mourn the death of the baby who was her only hope?

But he never cared! He never cried. He never paid attention, to this woman until he needed something from her which was usually, sexual pleasure or food from her.

She gulped looking at the man who was crying continuously , chanting her name like never before. He used to call her with ugly, heart wrenching names but what happened to him today?

Should she forgive him?

Should she give him one another chance?

Does he deserve it?


A rapist, narcissist and murderer like him never deserve a chance to be forgiven, he should be give his own medicine so that he can know how bitter they taste.

He was internally smirking watching her all in daze of emotions floating in her eyes but he need to careful, he need to keep her in trance that he has changed.

" Forgive your husband, i care for you"

So kept on pleading and asking for one chance to forgive him after all he was her husband, he was like a owner to her, he kept her in his house, feed her.

What's wrong if he took out his frustation on her sometime?

Hearing such kinds of things from him she was infuriated again. If he ever cared for her he should not be this cruel to kill his own child in it's mother's womb.

" You killed my child. I will never forgive you "

She answered in low voice, looking directly into his eyes.

Ohh.. So she was raged because of this matter?

What's the big deal in that he can give her as many as child she desires, he was always finding a reason to fuck her and if he once again he won't let it go.

" Please, i will make you pregnant with twice, just forgive your man once"

He pleaded again, giving her reason and hope again but a injured woman, who was not verge of dying, just living to take her revenge on the person who killed her innocence and child would never fall for his vicious tactics.

" Really? "

She asked in a whispering manner, tilting her head and leaning closer to his face which was bruised badly as she was not leaving any chance to beat him.

He nodded his head in enthusiasts thinking he would be free very soon, not knowing the woman sitting here was not that old version of that girl.

" Too bad, you can't know"

With those taunting words, she grabbed the iron rod from the corner and hit his lower abdomen ruthlessly. He screamed in pain as it hurts bad, really bad.

" Bitch stop"

He threatened but the more he raised his voice, more she hit him, untill the blood can be seen on his skin. She stood up and raised the rod and his it on his cheek bone, crashing it into pieces.

" You deserve this"

She threw the rod on the side and caressed his bloody face which made her disgust and contented at the same time. While he was about to pass out, not able to handle the pain he was getting.

She smiled meticulously , thinking the sins she was doing but she was not afraid of any damnation, she has nothing to loss not even tears only smiles were left so she will show them more ofter.

" I will eat something good today "

She said ,kicking his stomach, making him cough loudly and left the room not forgetting to lock it so that no one can hear the coward's voice.

She left the house , grabbing some money from his cupboard , wearing her black hoodie . She was roaming there not caring about anything, neither traffic nor accident.

Even if she dies today she won't even regret that.

Walking towards the convenient store she brought some ready to eat food, ramen , eggs and tettobokkie, with lime juice and calm the fire of hunger.

Most of time she was coughing but never stopped eating, as if she got the food for very first time. People there were looking at her with judging eyes but can't say anything.

She paid for the food and left the store again wandering here and there like a bird who had so much pain in heart and body.

Thinking about her miseries she was crossing the road not even looking at the signal lights, only to hear the loud honk from the big car coming towards her.

She smiled feeling her death is near but a guilt of not killing that bastard was making her sad. But who can postpone what id destined to happen.

Before anything could be controlled, car stopped with a screech sound while she was laying on the road, looking at sky, hearing the gasping and shouting for help.

Her eyes started to get blurry, not able to see the face of a known man who was trying to help her,and after leaving all her wishes She smiled thinking finally she could meet her little baby over there, again

"Mom is coming, my hope"


Author note:

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