Chapter 4:

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Bloo stepped into the rain, the wind blowing in his face. The wendigo watched silently from afar, waiting for its chance to strike, to kill, to hunt. Bloo looked around the camp, shining the torch through the tall trees, casting eerie shadows over him. The wendigo moved closer, silently through the night.
"Hey Kyle, I don't see the wen-" Bloo felt a sharp pain in his stomach, he dropped the torch and it shone on Bloo. He reached a hand down to the pain and felt a warm sensation. Blood. He clutched the wound, gasping out in silent pain. His vision went fuzzy and he collapsed on the floor.

Kyle heard Bloo collapse and ran out the tent
"Bloo? BLOO! WAKE UP BLOO PLEASE!?" Kyle screamed, holding Bloos body, the hole in his lower torso bleed slowly.
"Bloo... I-I-I'm so sorry. What- who, the wendigo..." he heard the shriek of the creature, it's tall, skeletal figure loomed over Kyle, it's bony claws clicked against the trees. One was covered in blood, Bloos.
"Bloo stay with me please"
"Shhh it's ok Bloo I'm here, it's ok" he kissed Bloo and Bloo clutched Kyle close before going limp in Kyle's arms.
"Bloo? Hey Bloo wake up please, it's me Kyle!" He looked up at the deer skull staring down at him as he accepted his fate. A slash from left to right and Kyle was cut in half, blood everywhere. The two lovers lay next to eachother in the dark wet forest until the morning when they were found by police.

"Oh my god where the fuck are they!" Isaac said to wadism and dan on the discord call
"I don't know mate, let's just start anyway" dan hit the record button and started doing the intro to the winkie video. As dan was explaining to rules to their game, Isaac opened his phone and looked at the news.
Bloo and Kyle... dead? Isaac looked up from his phone to the camera
"Boys, stop recording"
"Shush ya noise Isaac"
"Jesus calm down at wadism, what's wrong though" dan stopped recording
"Bloo- Kyle- they... they... just check your news app" he sighed, tears forming in his eyes
"What the fuck." Dan said
"They're dead?"
"Yes. Yes they are"
"How? I mean they were camping"
"Apparently they were murdered, Bloo was stabbed and Kyle was sliced clean in half. They haven't found a single fingerprint that wasn't theirs"
"That's fucked."
"Yeah..." Isaac hung up the call and went to bed. Not wanting to wake up now that his best friend's were dead, murdered.

Camping Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora