Chapter 2

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"Your self-worth is determined by you. ...


The sun was just beginning to rise over the bustling military hospital, casting a warm, golden light across the sprawling campus.

The sound of helicopters and sirens filled the air as wounded soldiers were rushed in for treatment.

The staff moved about the lobby with a sense of grace and elegance, their crisp white uniforms standing out against the opulence of their surroundings.

They seemed to glide effortlessly, attending to the needs of the wounded soldiers and their families with a sense of calm and professionalism.

Deveshi's pov:

This day was another usual busy day for me as I made my way to the surgical ward.

I could feel my heart racing , I couldn't help but feel worried.

Someday I don't feel anything but someday on days like these I could feel my heart racing very fast.

With each step, my mind was consumed with thoughts of all the patients I would have to attend to, all the critical decisions I would have to make, and all the lives that would be in my hands.

As a surgeon, I was no stranger to the fast-paced and high-stress environment of the surgical ward. But today, my worries seemed to weigh heavier on my shoulders. I had barely slept the night before, the nightmares kept me awake the whole night.

"kya surgery ke lie sab kuchh taiyaar hai?'
(Is everything ready for the surgery?)

I asked my team as I put on my surgical gown and gloves with the help of raja my assistant.

"Ji ma'am" said raja politely.
(Yes ma'am)

"Then let's proceed"

As I stood at the head of the operating table, my hands were poised above the patient's body as I surveyed the scene before me.

The sterile room was filled with the soft hum of machines and the focused chatter of my surgical team.

The patient, a young man in his twenties, lay unconscious and vulnerable beneath the bright lights.

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind, focusing all of my attention on the task at hand. I had been through countless surgeries, but each one still brought an overwhelming sense of responsibility.

As the lead surgeon, it was my job to guide my team through the procedure and ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.

"Scalpel," I said calmly to my assistant, who handed me the instrument without hesitation.

"sab kuchh achchhe kaaran ke lie hota hai deveshi "(everything happens for a good cause deveshi)

I remember my grandpa's word that he always says to me and I made a precise incision and began to work, my mind moving at lightning speed as I navigated through the delicate layers of tissue and organs.

I could feel the tension in the room as my team worked in unison, each member carrying out their specific role with expert precision.

I scanned the monitors, checking the patient's vital signs and making split-second decisions as needed.

After what felt like an eternity, the surgery was finally over. The patient's vital signs were stable, and the team had successfully completed the procedure. There was a collective sigh of relief in the room as the tension lifted.

"Clear everything and move the patient to another ward".I said to my team as I removed my gloves and mask, and stepped back to survey my work.

"Yes ma'am" said Priya.

"And raja" I called out to my assistant.
"Yes ma'am"

"I need the final report in an hour"
"Per ma'am I can't I um.."

"In an hour raja" I said in a cold tone. As I stepped out of the operating room.


As the day went on, Deveshi was faced with one challenging case after another. Each one requires her full attention, steady hands, and quick thinking.

There were moments when she doubted herself, moments when she thought she wouldn't be able to handle it all.

But she didn't let her worries consume her. She tries to remember her grandfather's teaching and she stays strong and focused, determined to give her patients the best possible care.

When the day finally came to an end, Deveshi was physically and emotionally exhausted.

But unknown to her another problem was just about to knock on her doors.

'Knock knock'

"Wait a moment" said deveshi from her resting room.

"Yes sham, how can I help you" said deveshi as she opened the door and saw her senior's secretary sham standing there.

"Dr deveshi sir has told me to inform you that you are to go to his office right away" said sham in a serious old voice.

"Okay I understand sham" said deveshi in her cold tone.

As Deveshi is making her way to her superior's office.She's confused as to why her superior has called her that only means something serious has happened or something is about to happen.

However, on this particular day, unknown to deveshi a bomb is about to explode on her head as she listens to her superior with a serious tone in his voice.

"Dr. Deveshi, I received a call from your family home this morning. They informed me that your grandfather's health has taken a turn for the worse. Your uncle has requested for you to come home right away," her senior informed her.

Deveshi felt her heart sink.

Her senior continued, his voice remaining professional yet empathetic.
"I understand that you have responsibilities here, but your family needs you at this critical time."

She had always been close to her grandfather, who had been her first inspiration to pursue a career in medicine.

She remembered how he used to tell her stories about his time in the army, and his pride when she joined the military as a doctor.

Deveshi nodded," yes sir I understand" she said calmly.

However, her mind racing with thoughts. She had been trained to remain calm in stressful situations, but this news hit her hard.

She quickly gathered her belongings and made arrangements for her patients to be taken care of in her absence.

As she boarded the flight to her hometown, her mind was filled with memories of her grandfather.

She recalled how he would always encourage her dreams and push her to excel in her studies. He had been her rock, and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Love you allllll<<<

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