Chapter 3

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"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." —


The night had fallen over the busy streets of India, but the energy at the airport was far from dimming. In fact, it seemed to intensify as the day turned into night.

The flickering lights and constant chatter filled the air, as people from all walks of life rushed past each other, each with a purpose and a destination in mind.

Deveshi's pov:

As I made my way through the bustling corridors of the airport, I was feeling anxious and worried.

My flight was delayed for Gujarat and I was afraid of missing my connecting flight. I was also worried about my grandpa, who was sick and waiting for her to arrive.

As I weaved through the crowd, I suddenly bumped into someone, causing her to spill her drink all over myself.

I let out a frustrated sigh and looked up to see a foreign girl standing in front of her.

The girl had a panicked expression on her face and her hands were trembling.

My initial reaction was anger. I was already stressed and now she had to deal with a spill on her clothes.

But as she looked closer at the foreign girl, she could see that she was just as anxious and worried as she was.

Without saying a word, I  cleared my throat and gave the girl a cold and professional look. The foreign girl looked down, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She knew it was an accident and this girl was probably just as stressed as she was.

In a calm and professional tone, I said, "It's alright, accidents happen. Just be more careful next time."

The foreign girl nodded, her eyes still downcast. I handed her a tissue to clean up the mess and then continued on my way to the  gate.

As I walked, I couldn't help but feel guilty for my initial reaction. She remembered how the girl had looked so worried and scared.

With a heavy heart, I reached my gate and sat down.


Deveshi couldn't stop thinking about the foreign girl and how she must be feeling. She decided to go back and apologize to her.

But she couldn't find her anywhere.

Thinking of as that accidents happened she decides to put the thing behind her.


(A few hours later)

The airplane was bustling with the sound of chatter and the hum of the engines as it soared through the sky.

Passengers shuffled to their seats, stowing away their luggage and settling in for the long flight ahead.

As Deveshi gazed out the window, she couldn't help but think back to her childhood, when she would spend summers at her grandpa's farm.

She remembered the warm sun on her skin, the smell of freshly cut grass, and the sound of her grandpa's laughter as he taught her how to ride a bicycle.

But now, as she sat in the airplane, these memories were bittersweet. Her grandpa was sick, and she needed to get back home as soon as possible.

"wear your seat belt at all times." Said the flight attendant.

As the flight attendants went through their usual safety instructions, deveshi's mind drifted back to her childhood memories with her grandpa again.

They were inseparable, spending hours playing games, going on adventures, and simply talking about life. Her grandpa was her best friend, her confidant, and her rock.

Deveshi reached into her bag and pulled out a faded photograph of her and her grandpa when she was only 15 years old.

They were standing together in a field , surrounded by a sea of wildflowers, both with huge grins on their faces.

She remembered that day like it was yesterday - the warmth of the sun, the smell of the flowers, and the sound of her grandpa's laughter.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the captain's voice announcing that they were about to land.

Her  heart raced, knowing that she was getting closer to home and her grandpa.


I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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Love you allllll<<<

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