Forging Destiny

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Everything was going wrong. It was cold, the children were screaming, and something was at the door. It kept banging. Louder and louder. And then there were some explosions.

"Cover your ears!" Mira urged the children. They did as told. A few of the adults helped me hold the door closed. The pounding of the door felt like it was getting more and more forceful.

I felt my mind racing. There were so many ways this could go. I felt my heart beating faster than ever before. Everything was spinning. Was this the moment we were going to die? Was this it?

I began reflecting on my life. What did I accomplish? So far, I was known as a street rat. I stole from the rich, catered to the nobles, and I burned the kitchen down in the castle. But I also did a lot of good things. I helped lead a revolution. I grow crops for the people in our village. I tell stories of the stars to the children.

Do the good things always outway the bad? Or is it the other way around? Who decides if things are good or bad? There are so many questions I could ask right now to avoid the current situation. But I have to deal with the inevitable. Something is outside, trying to get inside.

"What do we do?" A woman urged. I looked at her, the woman who asked was an older woman named Oddek. She was in her 60's. I contemplated her question. Unsure. I observed our situation. The children were in a corner, crying and begging us to save them. How do I save them? I am but a child myself–

I should have slapped myself for that thought. I am 18. I am an adult. They are the children. I am here to protect them. It's them before me. That's how it should be.

I clenched my jaw, searching my brain for something, anything I could say. But I was lost– There was only one thing we could do. I turned to Oddek again, my expression serious.

"Keep the kids warm. It's cold." I managed to utter. My words were said in a voice so shaky and unsure I was almost convinced it wasn't me that said it. Oddek wasted no time covering them in the blankets we brought.

The banging got louder and louder. I felt everything building up. Why was this happening? Some people say we have angered the gods. Others say this was at the hands of a witch. The cause of this apocalypse may always be a mystery.

"What if it is a survivor?" A man named Julius asked. Rune gave him a harsh look, her eyes burning into the man, causing him to look down at his feet. Granted, no normal human would be able to bang the door with such force.

Even if it was a survivor, we cannot let them in. We don't know if it is a trap. Over the past few months, I have run into my fair share of Emberlings. It is almost impossible to tell that they are not human. The only way we could tell was a marking of the moon cycle on the back of their neck.

Usually, it's covered by their hair. So it's harder to tell. Another thing about them that separates us from them is their abilities that none of us can obtain. Their intense strength and speed, the ability to move things with their mind, their sharp hearing, and their war cry.

I heard one war cry in my entire experience with Emberlings. It is basically their call for backup. And if you thought fighting one of those things were difficult, then try a dozen of them. It's like trying to swim against strong currents.

Finally, the banging stopped. But we kept pushing on the door just in case. We didn't want to risk losing everything. We must be careful and consider every possible outcome.

Slowly, Rune opened the latch, peeking her head out. Her eyes scanned the area before looking at us, giving us a firm nod. The coast was clear.

We could all finally breathe. We were no longer in any danger– For now that is. But for some reason, the others still seemed tense.

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