CHAPTER 1 : Ashes and Vows

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The sky wept, a relentless drizzle that seemed to mourn the loss of Arthit jitaraphol Potiwihok, the feared and revered head of the Potiwihok mafia family. The cemetery was a sea of black umbrellas, a silent testament to the power the Arthit once wielded. But among the somber crowd, one figure stood apart, his grief a raging inferno that burned hotter than the rain was cold.

Jimmy jitaraphol Potiwihok , the adopted son and chosen heir, stood before the open grave, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The droplets of rain mixed with the tears he refused to shed, each one a bitter reminder of the blood that had been spilled. His father's death was no accident; it was an assassination, a message from their enemies that the Potiwihok family was vulnerable.

As the priest droned on, Jimmy's mind replayed the night of the murder. The chaos, the gunshots, the sight of his father's lifeless body-it all fueled the fire of vengeance that threatened to consume him. He had been taught to lead with an iron fist, to show no weakness, but now, all he could feel was the raw, unbridled fury.

The murmurs of the crowd reached his ears, whispers of uncertainty and fear. They wondered if the young Potiwihok could fill the shoes of the man who lay in the coffin. They questioned his ability to navigate the treacherous waters of their criminal empire. But Jimmy heard none of it. There was only one thought that echoed in his mind: revenge.

As the final words of the eulogy were spoken, and the casket began its descent into the earth, Jimmy stepped forward. His voice, when he spoke, was a low rumble that cut through the patter of the rain.

"Today, we lay to rest not just my father, but the old ways of our family," he said, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. "The enemies of the Potiwihok family have mistaken our loss for weakness. They have mistaken my grief for surrender. They are gravely mistaken."

He turned to face the grave, his eyes fixed on the casket as if he could will his father to hear his vow. "I swear on your memory, Father, that I will find those responsible for your death. I will bring the full wrath of the Potiwihok legacy upon them. And I will not rest until the streets run red with their blood."

A hush fell over the cemetery, the gravity of Jimmy's words hanging heavy in the air. He was no longer just the adopted son; he was the embodiment of the Potiwihok family's vengeance, the harbinger of the storm that was to come.

As the crowd dispersed, leaving Jimmy alone with the grave and his thoughts, the rain began to ease. But the storm within him raged on, a tempest of sorrow and anger that would not be quelled until justice was served.

With a final glance at the tombstone that bore his father's name, Jimmy turned and walked away. The path before him was one of blood and violence, a path that would lead him to the throne of the mafia world. And he was ready to embrace it, whatever the cost.


{ Scene: The office of Arthit Jitaraphol Potiwihok }

Jimmy stepped into the dimly lit office, the familiar scent of aged leather and cigar smoke greeting him like an old friend. The walls, lined with bookshelves and memories of conquests past, echoed with the silent strength of the Potiwihok empire. He paused for a moment, allowing the weight of his father's legacy to settle on his shoulders.

As he moved towards the grand mahogany desk that now belonged to him, the door creaked open, and in walked his most trusted companions-the inner circle that had become more like family than mere allies. There was Off , the strategist, whose mind was as sharp as the blade he kept hidden. Next to him was Tay , the charmer, with a smile that could disarm and a loyalty that was unshakeable. Joong , the enforcer, his presence commanding and fierce, yet his eyes held a warmth only for those he cared for. And finally the tech wizard , Earth who always had his back .

"Boss," Off said, his voice steady, "we've been waiting for you."

Jimmy nodded, the title still a strange sound to his ears. "I know. There's much to discuss."

Tay stepped forward, a bottle of fine Italian wine in hand. "First, we drink. To Arthit jitaraphol , may he rest in peace. And to you, Jimmy , our new leader."

Glasses were poured, and a solemn toast was shared, the bitter taste of the wine a reminder of the bitter reality they all faced. Joong gaze met Jimmys a silent promise of fealty in his eyes.

"We are with you, through blood and fire," he declared, his voice resolute. "Tell us what you need, and it shall be done."

Jimmy looked at each of them, the faces of the people he trusted most in the world. "I need your strength, your cunning, and your courage. We are at war, and we will strike back with a force they've never seen. But first, we mourn. Then, we plan."

The group nodded, a unified front against the storm that was brewing. They gathered around the desk, maps and files spread out before them, the gears of vengeance slowly beginning to turn. But in this moment of quiet before the chaos, they found comfort in their unity, in the unspoken bond that tied them together.

Jimmy felt the rage within him simmer down, replaced by a cold determination. He was not alone. With his friends by his side, he would lead the Potiwihok family to victory or to ruin. There was no in-between.


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