Best friend

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Luffy: My love, did you have fun today?

Nami: Yes, and I learned a lot of things, but there is still the explanation that you will tell me, where you work, and how you learned all this about Haki.

Luffy: Okay, take these clothes and take a warm bath. We'll talk before bed.

Nami: Okay, but I want something lighter.

Luffy: The Wardrobe  is there, go and get what you want.

Nami smiled at her lover and went to his closet and took out a pair of sports shorts and a large shirt. She took the clothes and went to the private bathroom in their room.

Nami was sitting in the tub filled with water, smiling.

Nami: It seems that Luffy trusts me a lot now, but there are still some things that he will tell me. It's okay. I'll wait. The nice thing here is that they all know each other and they are a real big family. Well, even though they are selfish in terms of food, they used to fight over food. However, they are all laughing stupidly and seem happy. I am happy because I met Luffy.

Nami: (whispers) Just a little while and we will both belong to each other.


Nami was now on the bed waiting for Luffy to finish showering. She looked beside her and found his phone. She took it to browse it, but she was disappointed when she found a password.

Nami: Is he hiding more from me or what?

A call came to Luffy's phone and Nami was surprised by the name. It said "my best friend" and she was surprised when she saw a picture of a girl.

Nami: (whispering) What should I do? Should I answer or what? I don’t want to be intrusive.

Luffy: (in a loud voice) Nami, answer the phone. This is Uta. She calls every day at this time.

Nami frowned, did his best friend call him like this every day at night? It seemed like there was another account with Luffy.

Nami reluctantly answers the phone.

Uta: I finally decided to answer your phone, Luffy. What's wrong? You're late in answering me this time.

Nami: I am, but I'm not Luffy.

Uta: Wow, so you're Nami, aren't you?

Nami: Yes, do you know me?

Uta: Hehehehe, yeah Luffy talked to me about you so much, I almost got a headache giving him dating advice.

Nami smiled at this, Luffy was teasing his best friend about it.

Uta: where is he now

Nami: He's taking a shower.

Uta smiled at Nami maliciously, and Nami felt dangerous from this smile.

Uta: Oooh, looks like my best friend is going to lose his virginity today, hehehehehe

Nami: (blushing) Uta stop, we haven't done this yet.

Uta: Hehehe, okay, but Luffy promised me when we were young that whoever loses his virginity first will tell the other. I hope he doesn't break the promise.

Luffy came with a towel around his neck, wide shorts for his lower half, and his wet hair. Nami looked at him in amazement and was a little distracted when Luffy arrived and took the phone from her.

Luffy: Don't worry, Uta, I didn't forget

Uta: Hehehe, Nami seems to be in shock right now, so she's not talking.

Nami recovered from Luffy's appearance and heard Uta's words. She hid under the covers while embarrassed.

Luffy: Shishi, this seems obvious, but why did Uta call? Are we going to talk like every day or is there something else?

Uta: Yes, I forgot when I saw Nami. I have a concert next week and I want you to come. Well, don't forget your promise that you will support me in all my concerts.

Luffy: Shishi, don't worry, I will bring my brothers and nami with me, okay.

Uta: See you, but don't forget if you change your mind, don't forget to use protection, hey.

Uta finished her call and Luffy turned to Nami, who was hiding under the blankets and looking frightened.

Luffy: Shishi, don't worry, Nami, we won't do this unless we feel ready.

Nami smiled at her lover and came out of her hiding place and jumped on him and kissed him. Luffy returned the kiss with a smile, but when Nami got up from his apple, he saw that she was holding his phone and checking it.

Nami: You sure have a lot of girls here on your phone, every time you surprise me with one of them calling you.

Luffy: Shishi, Nami, you're so jealous, why?

Nami: Okay, I'll go call Sanji-kun, I miss him.

Luffy: Huh.

Nami: Look, you're jealous too, so I'm shocked. I know Margaret, Uta, Hancock, Robin, Vivi, Pudding, Makino, and Nojiko, whose name is "my girl."

Luffy: Are you stupid or what, it's you.

Nami turned red. When she called Luffy, this name appeared on the screen. She was ashamed when Luffy called her at home, so she wrote, “My friend .”

Luffy: Shishi, sleep my love, come on because tomorrow we have a lot to do.

Luffy grabbed Nami and placed her on his chest, stroking her hair with his hand, and Nami hugged him with a smile.

Nami: What are we going to do tomorrow?

Luffy: We will go to the company.

Nami: (surprised) Really.

Luffy: Yes, let's sleep now, good night.

Nami: Good night.

Luffy and Nami kissed each other with a smile and went to sleep.


Luffy: Come on, my love, we're almost there.

Nami: Okay, but why do we walk all this distance?

Luffy: You'll know in the end.

Nami and Luffy left early this morning and went to Luffy's company. Luffy parked his car far away from the place, with an hour's walk between him and his company.

Nami: Why didn't we take the car there?

Luffy: I told you, my love, you will understand later.

Nami: Okay, but carry me, my feet hurt from all this walking.

Luffy: Okay.

Luffy carried Nami on his back while smiling. Nami wrapped her hands around his neck while smiling lovingly at Luffy.

After half an hour of walking

Luffy: We have arrived.

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