where is my cat? - 1

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As the moon eclipse through the sky over the old, crooked castle, the castle was surrounded with trees that make shadows over the castle.

Raven yawns, moving their arm towards Sam
their cat but she wasn’t there, ruffling their arm over the knitted blanket it’s red with green checkers soft but yet warm and comforting, it was their quilt from christmas a gift from the local village,

panic shot up his spine like a gun in pheasant hunting season his eyes open like a pocket watch, he scrambled out of bed like a snake trapped while trying to shed its skin after Raven finally got out of his bed he went to find Sam.

it was too dark in his room their room was a dark and full of books mostly ghost books and fantasy and vinyls and a television to watch films, it was too dark to see anything they could only see the outline of the desk with the quilt and pen a note book opened to a page that they couldn’t see which page but they could make out it was a few sketches of birds and plants from the forest and a couple poems for random girls i see outside that he finds attractive,

everything was in the same place but his cat, as he looked for the shiny door knob they opened it with caution not wanting to scare her away.
“Sam.” Raven whispered.
“Not even a mouse could hear me,” he whispered to himself in despair while being half asleep,

walking across the hallway with fear of falling or not seeing his cat. The hall is long with hanging artwork and photos of nature. At night they look scary like something out of a horror film Raven loves watching films with his cat, Sam is a black cat. Some people think they are bad luck but I think she isn’t. Walking down the hall Raven doesn't notice the fallen candle and steps on it slipping backwards he grabs onto the bannister holding on trying not to slip off.
“Holy shi-!” Raven whispers, Now a cat could here that and she did Sam rushing up to Raven rubbing her black fur on my leg, exhaling with a sigh of relief we walked down the twisted cobblestone stairs like a ivy vine weaving up a tree it was still dark but they were cold enough for them to make out where and what they are,

Raven poked his head out of the window and notices how it’s a full moon but with a glance of sunlight shooting through with Sam trailing behind him they walk in the the kitchen while Raven prepare’s Sam’s breakfast placing it on the floor in the grey tin, the tin was made by the local children it was well make with some drawings on it well mostly scribbles but I like it, grabbing the bread out of the cabinet (brown bread Raven hates white bread) Raven butters it and places it on a plate petting his cat.

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