am i lost? - 3

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I wake up reaching my hand out to feel out for Sam, and she was here but it wasn’t the Sam i know,

i opened my eyes and it hit me everything is different, light’s everywhere but not any sort of light’s they were an array of colours reds, yellows, and blues, i look they blinded my eyes i jump out of bed and look around, music posters on the walls saying bands and all artists i know but not the room i know.

LED lights all over the room like a rainbow has exploded startled i walked out the room half awake and half asleep trying to process what is happening i thought this was some sort of twisted dream,

now i’m in the kitchen i am stunned it her that girl i saw in my illusion,
“Good morning sleepyhead” Mel says excitedly, Mel has long brunette hair with pink highlights she looks like a party exploded all over her.

She's not that tall or short, she is wearing a green and blue jumper.
“Hi what am i doing here” i say cautiously
“Yesterday night you were asleep outside with your cat so i felt bad and i brought you to mine, sorry I thought you wouldn't mind,” She explains, she explains how she was at a party with some of her friends and found me outside,

Make me sound homeless.

She grabs a cup of orange juice,
”Thank you,” I say,
The orange juice was very nice, not bitter, not overly sweet.
“My name is Raven, What's yours?”
“I’m Mel” she takes a bite of a piece of toast. The toast is on white bread and she takes one bite at a time.

I take a glance at her guitar. It's brown and has band stickers on it and splashes of paint, looks just like her bedroom and her hair. Taking a sip of orange juice,
“So you like music ?” I ask because I am somewhat invested in what sort of music she likes.
“Yes I do, I just write songs, do you like music?”
I froze, not moving nor answering, Mel clicked her fingers “Huh yeah i like music sorry, i just got a bit sleepy”

It’s because I didn't get sleepy. It was a flashback to the hypnotising fall of the music and that morning it’s definitely a sign and Mel knows something about it and I need to find out I sit down. And I want to know more.

Mel looks at me “Raven I know why you're here look outside, this may be confusing but you have to trust me,”
confused. I pull open the blinds cameras everywhere like big brother but mega sized, “What has this got to do with me?” stuttering “Did I do this?”

How? what? when? where? who?
Massive buildings towering the town the only light there is the visible light from the buildings, even the sun is scared to go to this city, mostly all you can see is black smoke coming out of the buildings that cover the sky like a sheet of paper, crowds of people with masks on walking down the streets like a huge maze twisting turning and curving,I turn to Mel
“they look like robots,” stuttering 
“At home they are not like this, I am not-”
Mel’s soft face turned heavy and she placed her hand on top of mine.
“I know we have just met each other but I need to confess”, I look confused,
“I’m really bad at talking so i wrote a letter for you, you will understand once you read it” i grab it while Mel walks out of the room teary eyed and spluttering. I opened the letter.

When I read it I felt a sense of hatred and love, two feelings I thought I would never feel together.
“So you brought me here?” I had so many questions but could only explain it in a couple words.
“Look I’m sorry, but i knew you were needed here for me”
Mel places her hand on my leg and I push it off.

“I was fine where I was Mel, you're a stranger to me and what do you mean by for me all of this was for you, I loved where I was and I wanted to stay where I was.” I quickly stood up and walked towards the door i was filled with fury and rage,

“Where are you going?” Mel says while scrambling a bag and packing it with a few bits and bobs from around her kitchen. Mel runs out the door and by the door of the apartment.
“You can come if you want.” As I walked out of the apartment.

Note: longest chapter :)

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