Chapter 8

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Y/N Pov

Y/N: It's been a few days since I got destroyed by my father and I'm now slowly starting to heal I don't have any bandages on anymore and o am able to walk better which means I can finally work out again something I haven't been able to do for a while so I went to the school gym and done less intense workout than usual but it felt good to be able to workout again I am surprised at how patient I have been throughout this to be honest I thought I would be focused on getting revenge and taking down my father once and for all but I wasn't I was just focused and getting back to one hundred percent after my workout I headed back to my dorm where I had a shower and then got changed into fresh clothes and I then headed to Wednesdays dorm she asked to see me for some reason as she wanted to tell me something she discovered about the Rathalos so I headed over to her dorm.

Wednesday Pov:

Wednesday: I was sitting at my desk when I heard a knock on the door and I knew it was Y/N since I was expecting him so I got up and opened the door and there I saw Y/N and I instantly said "Hey" and he said "Hey" back and I then gave him a peck on the lips before letting him in after he entered he said "what did you want to tell me" I then told him how I found out something about the Rathalos "I have discovered that the Rathalos needs a master to listen to" and I could see that it interested Y/N as he said "oh that is interesting do you have any idea how the master is yet" I shook my head before saying "not yet but I am trying to think about who might want to hurt us since it has been attacking us and obviously killing other innocent people as well" I saw Y/N take in my words before he said "so you think that the master is someone who wants to kill us then" I then said "I guess so yeah it does make sense doesn't it" he took in my words again before he agreed with me saying "you know you could be right about that and I don't want to assume anything without evidence but I have a slight hunch who the master might be" I then spoke up because I knew who he was talking about "I assume you think that your father is the master of the Rathalos" he then said "yeah I do but I suppose we can't prove that without any proof yet so I guess we just have to find out and that means we have to try and find evidence if it is my father or if it's someone else" I took in his words before saying "yeah how do you want to do that and where do we start" he then said "how about we track the tracks of the Rathalos" I then said "and how do we do that exactly" he then said "well we just have to go through all the news about it and try and figure out the route it takes I mean we have already discovered it's cave so we could go and check there" I then said "that is a good idea but it's also dangerous so we have to be careful but I am in" he then "alright let's do that but let's not go today let's go tomorrow night" I then said "okay what should we do today then".

Y/N Pov:

Y/N: after Wednesday asked me that I said "let's just spend time together" and she seemed happy with that as she gave me a smile before saying "yes let's do that it has been a while since we have spent a day together" a few hours past and we both decided to go to a restaurant so we headed into town and went into a restaurant we got a table and sat down Wednesday sat across from me and also we had a booth so it was good seats we then ordered drinks and our food and then just talked while we waited Wednesday spoke first and said "I'm glad we could finally spend the day together it's been a while since you have been recovering" I then smiled at her before saying "I am too I really missed spending time with you and I think it's what we need right now to take our minds off things" we then continued talking about things when our food and drinks arrived and we began eating but we still talked throughout eventually we finished our food and drinks and the waiter came and took them all away and we just stayed a bit longer and talked more.

Y/N: Wednesday said "it's good to see your recovering well Y/N soon we can get our revenge on what your disgusting father did to you" I then said "so am I but remember I don't want you to get involved when the time comes it's between my father and me" she then nodded but she looked at me worriedly and said "I know and I will but I can't help but worry for you I mean your father has already shown that he's not to be taken lightly and what if something bad happens and what if he worst of all kills you and takes you away from me I don't know if I could live without you" I then just smiled at her before saying "I know you are worried about me but trust me I won't let my father get away with all he's done to me this has been a long time coming he has put me through so much my whole life and now I have the chance to get him out of my life forever and I'm not going to pass this opportunity so trust me everything will be fine and it will all work out and then we can focus on our relationship as no one can separate us so o promise you this I will kill my father and then it's just you and me after that" she then smiled at me before putting her hand on-top of my hand and then over and kissed me and then she said "your amazing you know that" I smiled at her "please I'm nothing special" she then said "I'm serious Y/N you are amazing you have no fear over the chance of your father getting the better of you and it shows you have confidence in your own abilities and I admire that about you your confidence in your abilities is something else" I gave her a bigger smile since I really appreciated her words and I then said "thank you it means a lot and thank you for making me that way as without you I don't think I would be this confident in myself you have brought that side of me out and it's something I didn't think I had in me as I didn't think I would ever be able to stand up to my father and now I have the chance to finish it once and for all and that's all because of you being in my life" Wednesday had tears in her eyes after my words and she then leaned over and kissed me this time it was longer and more passionate.

Y/N: We then decided to leave and head back to Nevermore so after I paid the bill after a lot of convincing as we were walking back we were holding hands and I noticed that Wednesday kept glancing at me so I said "is everything okay Wednesday" she then said "yes everything's fine I'm just thinking about you words you said am I really the reason you have this much confidence in yourself" I then looked at her and smiled "yes you really are" she then smiled and said "thank you" we got back to Nevermore safely without any problems this time and we headed back to Wednesdays dorm.

Wednesdays Pov:

Wednesday: After we entered my dorm we laid on my bed for a while before I decided to go for a shower and change my clothes so I did I got up and headed to the bathroom after I took a change of clothes in I then had a shower and after I got out and I was fully dried I changed my clothes into more comfy casual clothes and then I left the bathroom and saw Y/N out on the balcony so I headed out to the balcony and stood next him and rested my arms on the balcony as we just stared out in the distance in silence before Y/N broke it as he said "can I ask you something Wednesday" I then looked at him and said "of course" Y/N then said "why did you fall for me what was it about me that attracted you to me" I then thought for a minute before smiling at him and saying "I fell in love with you because I saw you where different from normal people and right from the start something attracted me from you by the way you talked to me and treated me as a normal human not everyone has treated me like that I also fell in love with you when I saw you beat up those bullies I remember when I said that I couldn't wait to see you in action when you mentioned about how you were good at fighting so those are just a few of the things that attracted me to you" he then looked me with a wide smile which made me happy because I made him happy he then said "thank you Wednesday" I then said "no thank you Y/N you have changed my life completely and have turned me into a completely different person which I didn't think was possible" he then just smiled at me I then moved my hand and put it on top of his and we went back to staring off into the distance together as I rest my head on his shoulder.

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