Chapter 36

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Wonyoung's pov


Why didn't I kiss back?

Why did he run away?

Why didn't he tell me sooner?

Those thoughts and many more swam through my head during the 4 hour drive to Busan.

"Are you alright sweetie? You've been quiet the entire ride," Aunt Seulgi asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said. "We're stopping for lunch soon, probably just some fast-food. We still have a long way to go. What do you want?" she asked. "I'm not hungry, Auntie," I said. She pursed her lips before replying, "Wonyoung, you need to eat lunch! Just get a little something." "Whatever," I muttered.


"We're here! Sweet home Busan!" Aunt Seulgi called as she took the last bag out of the trunk. "Home sweet home," I muttered. "Aw, come on now Wonyoung, perk up! We'll visit your friends in a few months!" Uncle Taemin said. "I guess so..." I said.

Right when I said that, my phone started
ringing. The caller ID said "Crazy-Ass Yujin". I smiled before answering it. "Hey! How's the ride going?" she asked. "It actually ended like 15 minutes ago. I'm standing in front of the new house now." I said.

"Oh my God! Send me a picture!!! Send it!!! Send it!!" she squealed.I laughed before agreeing, taking a picture and sending it to her. "Ooh! It's so gorgeous!" she said. "Thanks," I replied.

"Hey, do you know what happened to Ben? He told me he was going to tell you goodbye this morning and I haven't seen him since," Yujin asked. I froze, remembering what happened right before I left.

"I, uh, don't know. After I left he disappeared," I lied. "Wonyoung, I can tell when you're lying to me. What seriously happened when he went to tell you goodbye?" she asked.

I looked up to see that Aunt Seulgi and Uncle Taemin were busying themselves with getting the furniture in the house, leaving me by myself in the driveway. I quickly told Yujin all that happened right before I left.

"Wow," was all she said. "Yeah. If you see him please tell him that I'm not mad, I was just caught off-guard," I said. "I definitely will," she replied.

"Hey I need to go. My brothers being all- NO DOHOON DON'T TOUCH THAT!!!!!" I heard Yujin say before she hung up. I laughed and put my phone back in my pocket, and walked into the new house.

"Well, wonyoung, how do you like the new place?" Uncle Taemin asked once I walked in. "It's HUGE!!!!!" I exclaimed, which was true. It was a 2-story house with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Uncle Taemin just chuckled.

"Why do we need so many room??" I asked. "Well, I'm not sure if vou know this, but your aunt and I have people over a lot. Now, with a family of 4, we only have 2 bedrooms!" He said.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up. What do you mean, 'family of four'?" I questioned. "Shit." Uncle Taemin muttered under his breath. "TAEMIN!!!!! told you not to tell her!!" Aunt Seulgi called from the top of the stairs. "It slipped, Seulgi!" He called back. "What's going on??? I'm so confused," I said.

Aunt Seulgi made her way down the stairs and stood next to Uncle Taemin. He wrapped his arm around her when she put her hands on her stomach, "I'm pregnant, wonyoung," she said, smiling.

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