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It was Monday and now I was going to learn real fighting techniques as today was last day of my general exercises and I improved a lot , and am mentioning it as third date because we hadnt met even on Friday as planned but he came to my home again ,this time with sonal ,so its going to be our third date .dont know but I was kind of excited .

When I reached the café ,as usual he was already there , but today his expressions were different , till morning he was in good mood . When we went inside the café I was constantly feeling that he wanted to say something but what??

I tried to start conversation about twice but it was not working as he was not listening to me and constantly looking out ,

is there any problem?? Anything you want to say?? –I said sounding both a bit worried and frustrated

For a while he was silent, but then

sorry-he said

huh??.....i mean why??

lets not meet for a while he said sounding sad

what?? Why?? I was stunned

what happened?? I asked again

its just . I dont want you to get hurt

hurt?? How? You need to do some explanation

I cant tell you everything, as you will be scared , so please can you believe me???

is this your way of telling me that everything ends here? If thats it you can say directly , I knew it would eventually end but you promised me teach self defense , so its little shocking I said but the thing was if everything was ending today then I dont know why I was feeling sad like I wanted to hold on something I never wanted in first place

I didnt mean it in that way he said anxiously

ok its not about you . Its because of me ,but not because I want to end things but because I want you to be safe , just believe me and nothing ends am just saying lets not meet for a while

then from his pocket Arnay took out two things first a watch and second a blue rose

extend your left hand he said

I refused to do as he said

please he said

Then I extended my left arm and he made me wear the watch and said

whenever you go out just wear this , it has GPS ,so I will know about your whereabouts

After hearing this I started removing it but he stopped me

please for a while , its necessary

Then he gave me the miracle and he started heading out , I also went out and once again I tried to ask him

you just leave like this, dont you think you should tell me

I told you ,that lets stop for a while

and what does it mean I almost screamed at him but he was compose ,maybe because we were in this his situation because of him

He came close to me enough that his lips reached my ear and then he said in low voice

call me as soon as you think there is anything wrong

And then he walked me to the metro station and it felt like a thick fog of silence was engulfing us , I felt like crying but dont know why, It was hurting.

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