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Damon couldn't help but fret over Ava. It felt as if he had forgotten how to breathe the moment his eyes couldn't locate her. Where had she gone? Who was she with? She hardly knows anyone here; who could have taken her from me?" Mr. D," Zulu grabs my hand and pulls me towards the bed. "Calm down. She will be fine," she assures me.

I've checked everywhere, except for Fedor and Elizabeth. This morning, Elizabeth did request Ava's presence, but I declined. Could that have made her angry? But would the Queen Mother be capable of harming someone over that?

Before I can dwell on the thought any further, Zulu sits on my lap and leans in for a kiss. This is not unusual between us; she often does this to help clear my mind. However, at this moment, her kisses only leave me feeling disgusted.

Breaking the kiss, I frown. "Not now, Zulu. My silly little girl is missing, and all you can think about is sex... get off me," I push her away, standing up and grabbing my jacket before walking out.

"You called..." Grant begins to say, but before he can finish, I punch him hard, sending him toppling to the ground. "What the fuck, Damon?"

"I told you to keep an eye on her, didn't I?"

"I would have if you weren't with her," he retorts.

"I wasn't," I hiss, kicking him in the stomach before making my way towards the king's chamber. Moans emanate from the room, but that's the least of my concerns right now. Kicking the door open, Fedor quickly grabs a blanket to cover his wife's body, as he's still putting on his trousers.

"Well, well, if it isn't Damon the fifth!"

"Lower your voice, Fedor," I growl, my hands shaking. "My woman is missing, and I need answers from you and that damn wife of yours."

"You will not disrespect your mother in my presence!" he growls, his dark eyes turning even darker.

"Spare me the drama. If I don't find Ava before tomorrow morning, you two will be dead," I growl, and I mean every word. Turning around, I storm out of the palace and head towards the only place I haven't checked yet—the forest opposite the market.

She might have run there, for heaven knows why.

Watching them laugh around the fire, I remain still. Nothing seems to make me laugh, knowing fully well that Damon will be worried and furious. I shouldn't have moved from that spot. "Ava?" I turn to my left and meet Alex's worried gaze.

"Are you okay?" he tries to touch my face, but I flinch. I watch him clench his hands and return them to his lap. He smiles, but I can see it's fake. "What's bothering you?"

"I need to leave." I stand up and take a step back. "Damon will be worried if I don't return in time."

"Who is this Damon you speak of?" he mumbles, stepping closer. "Is he the one touching you?"

"Stop that, Alex." I fold my arms, mumbling. "You don't own me."

"But you're mine."

"I don't know anything about you, Alex. I just found out you're a vampire."

"And you didn't freak out, Ava."

Moving into the woods, Alex holds my hand, stopping me. "It's late, Ava. Wait until morning, and I will take you back to the village market."

"I want to leave now, Alex. So please, let go of my hand." He doesn't let go but instead tightens his grip. Turning around, I meet his stubborn gaze. "Alex," I call.

"Let me take you."

"I can handle myself." I struggle out of his grip and frown. "Stop treating me like a weak little girl."

"You are, Ava. You're just human now, and this world you're in is filled with vampires, Lycans, demons, curses, ghouls, and other unthinkable creatures," he groans. "To top it off, it's late... something might happen to you there."

"How are you so sure?" When he frowns, I give up. "Fine, you can come along."

"You're not going anywhere, Ava. I changed my mind." Furrowing my brows at him, he pulls me into a tent and pushes me inside. "Stay put. You can't escape. It's not safe for you."

"What is wrong with you, Alex? You're acting strange." Tears threaten to fall as I speak. "I do not wish to be here. I want Damon, not you." The words come out before I can hold them in. Is that how I feel? Maybe it's just the heat of the moment.

Alex looked shocked as he stood there, and I seized the moment to escape into the woods, putting some distance between us. He has always frightened me, whereas Damon no longer holds that power over me. I can't explain it, but being near Alex just doesn't feel right.

As I hurried away, I could hear Alex calling out my name, but I ignored his pleas. I didn't want to go back to him. What he did earlier was terrifying, and I had no desire to experience that fear again.

Glancing back, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw no one following me. But my relief was short-lived. Before I knew it, I lost my footing, and suddenly found myself tumbling into the nearby river. Panic set in as I realized I couldn't swim. Learning was never a priority for me.

"Help!" I cried out as my head broke the water's surface, only to be pulled back under. Desperately struggling to stay afloat and gasping for air, I repeated my plea, "Help!" My voice filled with sheer terror as I fought against the strong current, fearing for my life.

Just as I was losing hope, a figure leaped into the water and firmly grasped hold of me, pulling me out of the river. Coughing and spluttering, I expelled the water from my lungs, opening my eyes to find Damon's concerned gaze fixated on me. "Damon?"

"Silly girl," he growled, his voice filled with both relief and irritation. "Did you think about the danger you put yourself in?"

Grateful for Damon's presence and his protective nature, I shook my head, tears mixing with the water on my face. "No, Damon. It was an accident. I never intended to fall in. And I... I don't know how to swim," I admitted, my voice trembling with vulnerability.

Damon's expression softened, and he quickly wrapped a towel around me, providing warmth and comfort. "It's alright, Ava. I'm glad I was there to help you. We'll make sure you're safe. Let's get you home and warm," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring.

Feeling a renewed sense of gratitude for Damon's kindness and protectiveness, I nodded, knowing that I could trust him to take care of me.

"I told you to wait for me and you go wandering." He said

"No," I coughed as I sat up, taking in my surroundings. It was the river where I had accidentally fallen in. "I went into the forest to bury someone," I explained, trying to smile despite the situation. However, Damon's frown remained, and I noticed how his body trembled, water still dripping from his soaked form. "You're trembling," I observed, concern lacing my voice.

Damon admitted quietly, "I am."

"Why?" I questioned, my tone filled with curiosity.

"Because of you, silly," he responded, leaning in closer. "I thought I had lost you. Don't go running off like that, Ava." He rested his head on my shoulder, inhaling my scent, and gently grazed his teeth against the spot he usually licks. I couldn't help but wonder why he did that. "You scared me, Ava," he murmured, his lips moving to my ear. "I couldn't breathe."

"I'm sorry," I whispered genuinely, feeling a mixture of guilt and relief that he cared so much. His lips then trailed from my cheek to my lips, and the kiss was slow, filled with tenderness. However, before it could deepen, someone forcefully pulled me away, and I turned to see Alex.

Damon's expression instantly changed, a look I had never seen before, his normally black eyes turning even darker. No trace of white surrounded his pupils, causing a wave of fear to wash over me.

"Do they know each other?" I thought

Bound By A Ritual {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now