Chapter 3

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Applejack's POV


As the group outing ended, I was fed up with that rainbow-haired girl. I am not one for lying; my parents always believed honesty was the best policy. Yet, I watch Rainbow Dash act like telling a fib was a second language. I can imagine where Scootaloo is learning all the outrageous behaviour because Applebloom has recently started having an attitude.

Every morning is pancakes and a side of pure child sass. Poor Granny still sleeps while my sister gets up to act like the world revolves around her. Luckily, after enough stern talking, she tends to remember just who was supposed to be teaching her. Family is precious, and I couldn't bear a world without one, for when my parents got in a terrible accident, I felt like they were all I would ever have to love again. My Ma and Pops were the kindest, most hard-working people I've ever known, and as I watched the pallbearers lower the casket, I vowed to spread their values throughout my life.

I know I bicker with Rainbow; it doesn't appear to be kind or nothing, but anyone would feel an itch to fight her. All big-mouthed and hardheaded, never giving up even over the stupidest things. I'll give her one thing, though: it does make her a mighty fine friend.

I kicked my cowboy boots against the curb, swinging my keys as I waited to drive Ms. Popular home. I wasn't sure why she didn't just hop in with someone else; Rainbow's house was on the way to Fluttershy's.

"Hey, AJ," A soft voice came from behind me. Speak of the lady herself, Fluttershy tiptoed over. "I-I can drive, um, Rainbow Dash home if you don't want to. It isn't really my business, but you both seem pretty upset with each other."

I wasn't surprised she noticed; it was a spectacle. Watching her eyes dart from mine to the pavement, I knew she was lying to make us feel better. She's just too kind, especially to offer something so relieving.

"Oh, wouldcha really?" I questioned, trying my best not to sound as eager as I was to head home without that burden. "Darn, I would be so grateful, Applebloom does need to hit the hay."

The shy girl peered up through her lashes, a small smile visible under the shadow of her pink hair. "Oh, certainly," Fluttershy looked over at Rainbow, who was chatting with the other girls. She acted like she hadn't let hell loose in an ice cream shop. She's feigning innocence, but I will bring the truth later.

"Y'all, I'm headin' home right about now," I wave my empty palm as a farewell, turning towards my truck. "Goodnight!"

"Oh! Thanks for coming! Goodnight!" Pinkie hollered, muting the rest of the girl's goodbyes. I chuckled, creaking open the door to the truck. Now I cross my fingers that Big Mac was paying enough attention in his mechanics class to keep this thing together. Even though I was pretty irritated, Rainbow sat insulting my Pop's old, dirty vehicle; she wasn't too far off. I am sure Applebloom can handle a day of washing it up, as my brother and I spend more time working the farm than she can.

Applebloom is into hanging out with her two pals, constantly on silly adventures to find their cutie marks. It's sweet, to be honest; they are learning quite a bit about the world. She's far too young to handle a farm, so this old thing has to do.

To my surprise, the truck roars to life, and I give a little hoot in celebration. Only a few days ago, the thing wasn't even starting; now she's back on the road, as good as ever.

As I shift gears to reverse, my passenger door is whipped open, my eyes widening at the sight of a head of rainbow-coloured hair. Great, now I've got the company I just thought I uninvited.

"Rainbow..." I growl, quickly putting the truck in park. "I thought y'all were goin' with Fluttershy, not me!"

"Woah there, girlie, I came here with you, so why are you kicking me out now?" Rainbow smirked, leaning inside. "You say this thing isn't a piece of junk, so I guess, prove it?" A loud crackle escapes the girl, and I roll my eyes back, hoping they will fall out with my brain.

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